Approved, Pending or Declined : Check Your Status Today For SRD R350 Grant Application in 2023.


Since the inception of this SRD R350 grants which saw more five million applications in just five days, applicants are worried as to when their applications will be considered in 2023.

To make matters worse, most applicants are met with a “failed” notification when checking their statuses.

Others too have seen their status pending for the current month of August 2022 , whiles others still see statuses for May 2021.

It has however be noted that, the SMS notification received after the successful submission of the application does not mean approval.

Let us breakdown the meaning of the various SRD R350 statuses and b what they stand for.

Pending SRD R350 Grant Status

When you check your status and you see that you are on pending, it means your application is still under consideration or being reviewed. Just have to be patient for the final stage.

APPROVED Pending or Declined Status

At this time, you cannot tell if approved or declined until the final verdict.

Approved Status for SRD R350 Grant Application in 2023.

If you are fortunate enough and see approved on your status, it means you have been cleared and that you meet all the requirements to be paid the unemployment grant.

In such a case, the next thing to look out for is the payday or payout dates. The pay date indicates the day SASSA will issue payment to the receiving bank or post office for collection.

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If you are using a verified bank account (note that SASSA will individually verify all submitted bank accounts before payments are made), payment are usually paid on the same day as seen on the status.

Click here to check SRD R350 application status online balance

However if you are using the post office, it may take some days before amount will be credited to the post office database for collection with your ID book.

Are you declined or approved or pending

Post Office has introduced a new payment option they referred to as virtual ATM card which is currently free and can be used to withdraw from some Post offices or selected ATM and pay points.

There’s also Cash Send or Ewallet, which SASSA says the mobile phone used must be registered (RICA).

In some rare instances, some applicants might have been approved without pay dates. What actually causes that to happen remains a mystery as SASSA is not able to open up, they just tell the applicant to exercise patience.

From sources, it looks as if in most cases, they have run out of funds or the verification process of the applicant was not completed.

Declined Status for SASSA SRD R350 grant application

One sad status is when according to SASSA’s specified criteria, the applicant’s submitted information does not meet the requirements of the SRD grant application.

SASSA SRD R350 status check approved, Pending or Declined

But fortunately, the exact reason for the decline will be clearly stated and through that the applicant can request for reconsideration or appeal.


In the last module, some of the major reasons for decline were

  1. Uif registered
  2. NSFAS registered
  3. Alternative income source
  4. Government pay roll
  5. Irp5 Registered
  6. Other grants
  7. Wrong name or mismatch information
  8. Meanstest
  9. Referred

Keep this in mind and share it with anyone interested to know. 😳😳😳😳👍👍👍🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

So are you approved or declined or still pending?


          1. When referred it means either your phone or your ID is captured in fraudulent activity.. Contact sassa on 0800601011 toll free number for clarification

    1. If you received a SMS message that your August application is active, then do not worry. If you want to be sure, you can contact sassa for assistance on toll-free number 0800601011

    2. Every time I put my ID number and phone number in I get a response that that transaction has failed….Why…? It’s been like this for 5 days now,why? I know I’ll get no response, but I’ll try anyway…just the way this useless country operates.

      1. It is a system challenge from SASSA, just be patient with the online application system. By close of. Next week, we. Hope it will be resolved

      1. I Applied for srd 3 weeks back, using my mom bank account,it pending. now I want to change to post bank. Please help

    3. My cellphone I used was stolen and I do not know the number on memory .When I personally visited Sassa I was told earlier tha I had PAYE At SARS .I checed at SARS and I was informed that it was the Tax deducted from my money not due to me but due to SARS.I came and reported that and I received the second DECLINED Due to IRP5 .I again checked that with SARS AND they said is not a money due to me but a money can owe SARS OR Amoney Sars owed me .I was dismissed in 2011 and i forwarded forms from 2012To 2019 I never received a cent and in 2020 june SARS said no money due to me instead I owed SARS MORE THAN R14000-00.That was my APPEAL .NO Response from SASSA until today.

  1. Since the applications opened last year, my Fiance’ never got any cent SRD due to the fact that his application was declined as IRP5 registered. For that matter his is unemployed from 2013 as he was retrenched.

  2. Good day Sir / Madam

    When will we be able to see our status because when you go to the check your status bar then it says fail.

      1. Pls cn sassa work hand in hand with uif cause same off us we nt working end whn we apply for srd grant it wil tell u about the uif tht u nolonger getting soo pls let thm work 2gether before its 2 late…cause our money wil eaten by ppl who r getting paid every mouth from the same sassa employers as we no ppl r greedy.

        1. email to- [email protected] (copy and paste as is)

          To appeal for every months they decline you eventually they will pay for all the months. Also go to that reconsideration page otherwise you will lose all those R350’s

          1. Hi pumza must I send an email to that adress cos I was declined from August 2021 – November 2021 due to alternative income source identified but I’m not working I only get sassa grant for my 2 kids,but December 2021 and January 2022 I got approved and got my R350 s

      2. I was checking for my brother in law who was a beneficiary for sassa grant last time, now the status says alternate income source for August, September and October but November is pending

    1. My status says declined due to uif,I have never been working before since 2014,last year I received my srd grant, but now it says my application has declined,what should I do please help

  3. I received an sms that I’m active after putting my bank details but when I check my status now it says pending.. Does this mean I won’t get paid anymore?

      1. Hi sorry to disturb u, but I am wondering if u could help or answer a question of mine. Basically just wanted to know what do do they mean by failed. In August 2021 not so long ago it first said PENDING but lately it says failed could u please help maybe or explain and once sorry 2 disturb u and asking u but…

        1. My status says declined due to uif,I have never been working before since 2014,last year I received my srd grant, but now it says my application has declined,what should I do please help

  4. when will the applicant from august start getting their 350 if you did say i want it to go thru by cash sevd when wil the cash send applicants recieve their payment

  5. Hi, is it true that if you are working and they’re paying you small amount as Salary like R400 you’ll get SRD grant if you apply?

  6. They say that it takes up to 7 days to know what ur status is I have been waiting for over a month now and still says pending why

  7. Mine says decline uif registered, I was on a leanership but am no longer doing it yes I did claim uif. What should I do now please help

  8. Hey my status says declined uif registered and i am not working i have done appeal it says already active whats going on now

  9. Mine says decline alternative income source but i have 2years not working I have claimed my uif last already received my money but it decline

  10. Its 2 years now that I am not working, and the answer I got is decline alternative income of source. I have claimed UIF and received it.

  11. mine it say ‘alternative income source identified’ but i am not working what must i do guys to solve this matter

      1. Mine says alternative income I submitted appeal from August to November 2021 because I am not working since 2018 but still on pending but December 2021 January and February 2022 I got approved. How long does it take for the appeal to be sorted.

  12. Mine says approved but there is no payment date. It now been five weeks since I was approved but there’s nothing. Tried to contact the free toll number of sassa but it does not go through, I don’t know why. What can I do?

  13. Des is not fair if dey say u uif registered yes mayb but if u worked 4months 3 days a month how much amount r u going to get for uif. Nd yes obviously de company have to register u for uif but I m not getting any.

  14. I was registered student to NSFAS, but now I am no longer a student. what should I do to help? I applied for srd grant, but they say I am a registered NSFAS but I’ve finished studies…
    any help please.

  15. My application for SRD grant declined due to uif, I have never been working since 2014,last year I received my srd grant but now it says my application for SRD grant declined.please help

  16. I have been approved since august and still did not received a massage till now,i have not received a single cent and i have to be paid thru cash send and still waiting what would be the ptoblem?

  17. i have applied successfully on the 6 august 2021 … have submitted correct banking details and all other correct information,
    application on sassa web site indicates approved for august and september 2021 however i have not recieved any payment nor a pay date until today 3 october 2021.
    upon calling sassa care line multiple times ive been told they are awaiting banking details to be verified , i find it to be some what ridiculous and inhumane as further excuses such its as system generated process etc and etc , which its frequently used as a way to excuse their useless service . .. it is impossible for a system to take over 2 months to verify banking details regardless the millions of applicants. … my point is ” you approve the applicant why not immediately verify banking details etc at the same time ,,, why does there have to be two seperated processes …one process to approve a client and another to verify banking details …. cant it be made simple ??? after all very well educated persons run sassa apprently but not its a damn joke really.

  18. Please help I have been trying to reconsider my application when I enter the cell phone number I used to apply it says incorrect cellphone number so I don’t know what to do

  19. Elw, mine is declining for third time since from August until October reason source of other income and I’m not working I use link for reconsideration or appel, but still the same what must I do?

  20. I started applying for srd grant from last year, I’ve been declined (reason: alternative income source) I don’t know from where

  21. ive received payment for aug2021,sept2021 and oct2021.. nov2021 declned due to alt souce income… which i have no knowledge of.. but dec2021 is now pending does this mean nov2021 falls away? will i receive dec2021?please help

  22. I’m in the same situation as some of the people I have been unemployed for the last 2 yrs & my last draw at d.o.L. was around January/February last year.I applied for srd grant in August but my application was declined saying Im uif registered.Can’t they see on their systems I’m not working cuz thers no uif being paid in for me or my bank account that’s been empty for several months.I just dont understand what kind of systems they have

  23. I’m in the same situation as some of the people I have been unemployed for the last 2 yrs & my last draw at d.o.L. was around January/February last year.I applied for srd grant in August but my application was declined saying Im uif registered.Can’t they see on their systems I’m not working cuz thers no uif being paid in for me or my bank account that’s been empty for several months.I just dont understand what kind of systems they have
    It’s really frustrating so please short it out I’ve struggled since I lost my job

  24. My application first was rejected now its says approved but still no payment from last year. Calling the help line no responce.

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