SASSA R350 Approved But No Payment

Approved without pay dates has become a common issue among sassa srd R350 grant recipients. SASSA R350 Approved But No Payment even in 2023.

Some have been approved since November 2022 and till date do not have a pay date. According to them, all attempts to reach out to SASSA has proved futile. This has led to many of them wondering if they will ever be paid or just forget about it.

SASSA SRD R350 Post Office Payments Dates for July 2021

Sources from SASSA indicates that they are aware of this problem and trying everything possible within their means to resolve it.

Approved Without Pay Dates SASSA SRD R350

There might some factors leading to this, but common among them are the following conditions :

  • Those who are using ewallet as a form of payments or those who have switched from Post office to ewallet. According to SASSA, they have problems with the the partnered banks whose ewallet are being used.
  • If you have switched from one payment option to another after receiving your sassa srd grant in the previous payment option.
  • Wrong information can also lead to approved without pay dates. SASSA wants to make sure they make payments to qualified applicants and directly paid to the applicant only. In view of this, one cannot use other people’s personal information to collect one’s payments. Always, make sure your bank account name and account number are correctly entered and the name must be the same as on the ID documents.
  • SASSA has indicated that, they are overloaded with thousands of phone calls every day, thus one of the reasons why they are not able to attend to every customer inquiry.
  • They have however assured the recipients to bear with them as they work assiduously to resolve the problems and that all those applicants approved without pay dates will be paid.

Latest Updates – SASSA R350 Approved But No Payment

As at the middle of the month of June 2022 , most Applicants have been given pay dates with some receiving their grants. Even those applied for reconsideration are also being approved with pay dates.

Although not all are paid or given pay dates 😮😮, SASSA has given the assurance that they will all be paid in due time and those approved without pay dates too will be sorted out.

The Department of Social Development minister and CEO of SASSA have both assured applicants all those who have been approved for the SRD R350 Grant but no payment will at all cost be paid.

Remember you can always contact SASSA by phone (Toll-free number 0800601011) or reach out to them on Twitter ( for assistance.

To check your SASSA SRD STATUS click on SRD STATUS Check

You can also leave your feedback in the comments section below for the editor to offer you some support. 1

SASSA is doing everything within their means to make sure all those affected are resolved once and for all in 2023.


          1. ι ωαѕ reғғed on αυgυѕт вυт oтнer мonтнѕ ιѕ αpproved вυт no pαy dαтe nd αм conғυѕed,😥

        1. Mine is approved for 7 months with no paydate,April and may pending, June declined due to alternative income identified but m not working🤦‍♀️

          1. Please Cynthia, it might be because of your bank account details or your payment method…. If you have bank account give it to SASSA….

      1. Good Day
        They approved me from August 2021 I must get 5 moths money but they only pay me out for January n February 2022 so what’s gonna happen to the approval from August until December 2021 money’s?
        Iolanthe Truter

    1. I’ve been approved for December 2021,January and February 2022 but still no pay date,but previous payments wasn’t a problem, what’s the problem?

    2. Im approved since last year november 2021 all say approved but no pay dates when wil this be sorted out stil waiting did call but im stil not receiving my money please help what is happening what can i do thanks

    3. I have been approved since last year June an have been paid only for Feb 23 an April 23 so what must I still be patient even if I’m waiting since last year

  1. I recieved only May n June
    My Bank blocked my money from July uptoo October…
    I changed it November upto March is approved with no paydates.
    What must I do

    1. At least you got it for Jun & July, some of us haven’t received anything, I’ve been approved for September, October & November, but all 3 of them have no pay days.
      I’ve even lost hope that I’ll ever get it

    1. September and October approved November pending no paydates all of us are struggling how must we eat if no payments are being made

        1. I have been approved with pay dates from August 2021 I only got February and March payment so what will with other months that I did not get payed for

    1. I was declined from August until Novembers thn for December I was approved with a date (15 December) but no payment made till now….what could the problem be???please help….

    1. I did get my srd money August but September it just saying approved without any pay day October is still pending when we will get our srd money we are so desperate for it our government help us we are struggling

  2. Nov to April no paydates but approved, mine is just straight foward paypoint post office.Sassa just comes up with excuses

    1. Please help my cellphone number used for ewallet option was not registered on my name I now registered a new number on my name were do i do to change that. I’ve been calling bt haven’t gotten thru plz help…

      1. I have been approved for August September and October and yet I to have not yet received a paydate or a payout yet.i know so many ppl that applied in September and got it right away but here I am waiting 🤔

  3. march and april approved but no paydates
    im starting to wonder if i will get it now that the previous month was the end of it so what about the outstanding months or should i be patient. atleast give us time frame on when can we expect please coz some of us really need it

  4. I got paid till Nov.and was decline for uif register reconsideration was again declined for DEC. And approved for Jan. But still nothing

    1. Approved for August and September July didn’t get no cash now no pay dates what’s going on at sassa we have families no work this 350 helps but we don’t even get the pay dates

  5. Since last year December, I haven’t recieved my R350 . The statement says approved ,but it doesn’t have a paydate .

  6. December January February approved and no pay day but march and april is approved and paid what maybe the problem

  7. Since last year December I haven’t received my srd grand ,the statement says approved but no payment date….why DNT they make us a priority bcs people are getting paid each ND every month but nothing is being done about us.
    Why dnt they make it a priority to fix these problems it’s been months now.

    1. srd sassa status shows approve for Aug and sep 2021 with no payment date. When I’m trying to reapply it says Active 😏 please help this R350 means much to me

  8. Since November 2020 to January 2021 approved with no paydates
    February to April still pending
    Paypoint post office
    Please help 🗣️🗣️

  9. I have been approved from may 2020 till jan 2021 with no paydate as yet what can i doas the call centre has a no care attitude

  10. I have sent numerous emails as I was approved from May 2020 up to January 2021 but only May 2020 up to October 2020 was filed so that left me with 3months owed. SASSA lies about sms cause I lodged appeal in August 2020 an was just informed on 1st March 2021 to check my status online. My issue is why didn’t whoever does the filing complete all the months that were approved something not right cause I’ve been in contact with them since 1st March 2021 up until 21 June 2021 an just get told oh sorry for inconvenience but we cant say when payments will be made an I have all the emails if you need proof. They caused there own backlogs an now we the citizens must feed our families on there stories. I have even asked SASSA in my emails if they can feed there families on the stories they have been giving applicants …. no response other than sorry for the delay please be patient…. even suggested getting south african software developers to develop a system where SASSA can reduce there backlogs an applicants can sorted out this making it work for both…. also no response…. I’m still waiting on an answer as to why when the months from May to October 2020 was approved and filed why was November 2020 up to January 2021 also not filed but it was approved???? Dont that sound strange????

  11. I am also waiting for payment as been approved from November 2020 up to April 2021 but no pay dates..received from July to October 2020 at Post Office..all I keep hearing is be patient..Checked at Post Office and all they say is they can’t pay without paydates and also to be patient!!!

    1. I’m also waiting on paydates i was approved for Sep,Oct but Nov i got a date for the 25 I was paid into my sassa card wich i receive my All Pay R450 and the R350 grant but Dec there was no date or payment for the R350 grant i also did’nt got paid for my All Pay pls help me to find out where and what i must do

  12. Vusimuzi

    Applied in May 2020. Got Sassa reply that my application was Declined. Enquired again in June and got a reply that I was Approved. So I waited for my May payment. Nothing. There was also no payment in June and July. Only got paid in August, September and October. Nothing in December and February but was paid in January.

    How do I reclaim all the non-payments?

      1. I approve on August 2021 until now on November I didn’t receive the payments date. Please I need help I don’t know what can I do

    1. I’ve been approved applied am still waiting for August 2021 money to be paid in my bank account what’s going on with sassa

  13. I don’t know what’s going onwith sassa am still waiting for payment of August 2021 month 350 I’ve been approved. I’ve chosed to get my money in my bank account but didn’t receive nothing yet.

  14. Since I applied last year 2020 I never received my R350. I applied again this year but still Status says approved but no payment date.

  15. Since when I have checked my Sassa Status on 28 August 2021 it says approved but doesn’t show the payment day even now it says approved but no payment date

  16. I have been approved for August 2021 with my banking details I checked my status and it says my pay day was 28th of August and yet still not received any payment from my bank

  17. Good day my daughter has been approved for August but no pay date as of yet and it’s almost the end of September.

    1. I applied for R350 social grant sometimes was approved sometimes was decline so I don’t understand what can I do please help

  18. I have been approved last month August and now September… it’s the end of the new month and still haven’t received any money… other ppl that applied with me on the same got there money’s the following week…wtf is up with that.

  19. August “Approved” No pay date and no payment receved yet.
    September “Approved” No pay date and no payment recieved yet.
    Will I be paid for the outstanding months also as we are already in Oktober and I didn’t recieve any psyments yet. Also still got nothing about October. Please can I get answers. I’ve been calling the tollfree number months now without getting anywhere and still no answer. Please.

  20. August “Approved” No pay date and no payment receved yet.
    September “Approved” No pay date and no payment recieved yet.
    Will I be paid for the outstanding months also as we are already in Oktober and I didn’t recieve any psyments yet. Also still got nothing about October. Please can I get answers. I’ve been calling the tollfree number months now without getting anywhere and still no answer. Please can I get aswers from someone or somewhere.

    1. It seems sassa is failing us
      Look at August I received it but September and October did not
      And now I received for November how come ?

  21. August approved with paydate but no payment. September approved with no paydate also no payment. All info is correct. Selected bank payment but nothing paid till now. Its already October

  22. I’ve been approved since August and there still no date even for September ae maan we need the money why can’t we be prioritised

  23. I have been approved since August bt no payment resived or even a date can some1 say something please

  24. Want to know when srd sassa payments will be for august 2021 and September September 2021. Joshua Cornelius id no:0202236075083 application id :123861 application approved but waiting for payment dates

  25. I approve for August and September 2021 but no pay date and I haven’t received any Money what should I do now

  26. I v been approved for 2 months August and September from now on but no pay date yet is given to me what is the problem with Sassa kantty what should I do kanty yhee! Sassa where is the people’s money R350…we should wait for how long Thank you…

  27. Morning i got paid into my child support grant card last month on the 2nd of September i checked my status online it gave me an approved with a payday for the 2nd n i was surprised to learn money was in the sassa card. I applied on the 8th of August when the lines became active from the 6th. I was extremely happy to know payment is made for care givers through their child support card. But this month i have a approved but no payment came through n i am still waiting funds but everyone else who applied around the same time i have did collect im so confused. They should make it as one payment for unemployed care givers letting funds be accessed through the child support grant card. They did for the first payment but this month nothing but approved. Please help. 🙏

    1. I’ve been approved with pay dates since August 2021 till December but there is no money whenever I go and check, the money would’ve paid together with children’s grant from post office sassa card but they have not make any mayment yet

  28. Hi, I received my August 2021 payment with my kids social grant but for September 2021 did not get the srd grant with my kids grant. I decided to call sassa offices to find out what is happening because when I checked my status it said approved but there was and is still no payday. The lady that I spoke to said that I am approved but there is no payday and that I should wait and check my status for a payday. I was also told that there is no turn around time regarding the paydate.

  29. Guy I have applied in Aug and Sep and still no pay day…. What should I do? Ever since I applied I hvnt receive anything

  30. Mine says approved for August an September but no paydate so I went online to change my banking details to the post office an it said that there is no payment method for me so I changed it to the post office so wat must I do now must I wait for a SMS from Sassa or can I just go see by the post office I don’t want to make a fool of myself at the post office cos some of the people are very rude wit the people if asked about their money so please I really need that money I’m so glad wen my status says approved but now I must wait I’m seriously desperate

  31. My daughter applied for the R350 in August 2021, and was approved but to date she has not received any payments to her bank account. I need someone to urgently assist here because we are not getting any joy contacting the SASSA offices. Others have applied at the same time and they were rewarded with the R350. Please assist ASAP

  32. My September payment is approved but no payment date is reflecting.I collected my August payment through my sassa card as I am a caregiver but nothing for September and October.

  33. Jus changed my banking details in August n hv been approved for September and October with no pay day 2 months nw no payment

  34. My application is approved for August, September and October but no payday,i used someone’s personal bank account to receive my payment

    1. Please you cannot use someone else’s bank account for SRD R350 Grant payments. Please better use post office. Account details cannot be verified

  35. Hi…My application has been approved for September and approved for October with no pay dates. Have chosen the cash send option. What should I do hence forth

  36. Hi i am very disappointed in the way sassa is handling things I was a proved since October and since the i still have not received a payout date we really need the money and that is why we have applied for it but still there is nothing happening why is the question we need answers please

  37. approved and no paydates for august and september and august i only received october i dont know what to do because at post office they only gave me october payment not for all the 3months

  38. My Srd grant has been approved since August but still no pay dates.

    I’m always checking my application status to see if there’s any change but still no change

    Should I just forget about getting it

    1. My srd grant for November and December have been approved but no pay dates yet. Will I ever be paid ? Please intervene on my behalf as Christmas is just around the corner. Mkansi GJ

  39. good day I just want to know I’m approved for August September and October but no pay date didn’t receive money in my capitec account this is now November will I get paid for 4months now if November is approved

  40. good day I just want to know I’m approved for August September and October but no pay date didn’t receive money in my capitec account this is now November will I get paid for 4months now if November is approved I really need the money

  41. I have seen all the complaints mine is the same? Is there a solution? Or what is the point of this wall? The number provided does not work? Answers please

  42. Refilwe
    I’ve been approved since August to October and November says pending but no payment date and I don’t know what to do anymore😭😭

  43. got my sassa in Augst 30 last also says approved but no payment dates since then been phoning them day after day but they cant tell me what is going on,then they say problem is at my bank,they say the bank has not yet verify my account how is this possible if they paid it in to my account in Augst

  44. I have been approved since September but no pay date on my profile. The post office says I am not on the system. What must I do?

  45. I have received approval for October November December, but still no date for transaction of payment. I am concerned that, after three months, it’s assumed you are nonexistent

  46. Me too approved with no pay dates or received sms since August 2021, January 2022 is pending. I applied with bank account but I changed to post office last month December.

  47. My payment date was there but NO PAYMENT for December…I was hoping I’d buy my daughter’s uniform and do learners turns out the light at the end of the tunnel seems further than it was last time.

  48. Been waiting since November and no pay date but it says approved what should i do its unfair for us that has to wait so long but we are approved to get our money.

  49. I was approved since August 2021 till today no paydate when I call sassa I can’t reach go through its always busy

  50. Why am i waiting so long 4payment approved from last oct til march nw but only march2022 has payment yet i havent received a single payment

  51. I was approved and get paid only August and since then it was approved nopay dates! Now all of the approved date have been given paid dates but not a single month i have received.. Now its say i am paid and i have not received the money… assist please …

  52. Same situation to me. I tried calling over and over again but my calls are not going through. All payments from last year August are approved but yet I have not received anything, some of us actually need this money for very important things. If anyone can, please help.

  53. I was approved for August and September 2021 but no pay dates then for June 2022 I was approved also with no pay dates and for May it’s still pending, what is going on will we ever get paid, everytime there is a problem regarding the r350 grand what should one do about this , I’m desperately in need of the money to survive how long still do I have to wait pls just tell me will I get paid or not because this is getting very frustrating for us who is depending on the srd grant .

  54. Am confused now,approved bt no payday.june is gone by still I must wait for the payday so whose fooling who between sassa and me?

  55. Approved for March 2022 no payment
    April n May pending
    June approved I collected R350 via Pick n Pay
    July pending
    Checked April again I’m approved no pay date
    I did my reconfirmation on the 4th of July
    It’s reli difficult n I’m really struggling
    Pls help much appreciated tnx

  56. I have updated my banking details and have been approved but no payment date is been sent. Can i get it at the pick and pay. And will my June and August be also been paid out or must i update my banking details.

  57. I have been approved with pay dates from August 2021 I only got February and March payment so what will happen with other months that I did not get payed for

  58. Hi
    Mine is approved since August 2022 up till now February already no payments will i ever get payments.
    Last year i also waited 6 months for paydates.

    Please help

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