SASSA SRD status check for r350 payment dates for September 2022

As it stands now, Sassa is currently paying August 2022 SRD R350 Grant payments and September 2022 payments are currently ongoing out of which most people have already received payments. SASSA Status check for R350 for any of the months that are issued by the Agency in 2023.

They have not started to even to talk about September 2022 payments. But as it stands right now, over 11 million applications were received for which SASSA will have to process all these applications by going through a verification process.

It has to be noted that, these processes are not manually done, but they have set up a computerized system that does all these things.

Thus why errors can be found here and there, so if you are declined, you are given the opportunity to appeal or submit reconsideration.

Post Office Payments Dates for September 2021

Per the rate at which Sassa is running the verification process, it might be able to complete the August process by the middle of September 2021.

The September 2022 SRD R350 Grant Application process might not take long term compared to the August 2022 payments. Although SASSA has said all applicants will have to be verified each month to see if they still qualify or their situation might have changed.

It is possible to be approved in August but declined in September or declined in August but approved in September as individual circumstances change over time.

But for post office payments, the last three digits of the applicant’s ID number will be used for the payments for the month of September (which is actually August payments rolled over).

To know when to go to the post office for collection, look at the links provided below for further details.

Post Office made a claim that applicants who have been approved with pay dates should only go to the post office until they receive an SMS notification asking them to collect their grants, otherwise they may be turned away.

If queuing at the post office is a problem for you you can follow the links below to create free bank accounts at Capitec Bank or TymeBank so that you can also use them to receive your SASSA SRD R350 grant application payments. Check out the other related articles below

It has to note that you can always do a SASSA status check for r350 at any time using SRD official website


  1. My August SRD is approved, and will be paid into my bank account – but it’s the 17th September already and I’ve received nothing so far. My September application is pending,,,,,,…
    Does anyone know when August’s SRD grant will be paid into our bank accounts please?

    1. Looks like we have the same problem. I have been approved since the beginning of this month but still no payment has been made to me.

    2. My August SRD was approved and got paid on the 28th but now my September SRD says pending but during the week it was showing a payment date which was today 28th

  2. My application status for august says approved
    But I didn’t paid , now for September says pending I don’t understand.

  3. My application status for august says approved
    But I didn’t paid , now for September says pending I don’t understand.

        1. I have not received my SMS from capitec, but all the months from August, September, October and November are approved with dates. Could someone explain to me about the delay? My ID 6705305568089, its always frustrating to sleep without food on the table expecting money which will never show. Kindly address my concern SASSA officials.

    1. I have the same problem it says approved for August and September bt I still I didn’t get it

    1. My status application for August has been approved but I was not paid.then I have just checked for September it says pending pls help anyone who know how fix if it needs to be fixed

  4. Status for was approved by didn’t receive anything. For September is pending. Can you please advise what to do.

  5. If your August status is Approved, go to the bank and collect your money, If you have SASSA card its there, that’s what’s happened to me, mine was in SASSA card as I am receiving the child support

  6. I also dont understand my application for August for approved but i didn’t receive no payment now my application for September says pending now what’s happening poeple to our money.please let me know

  7. I was approved in August even to date i have received anything. Im a local development coach as a volunteer in diepsloot. It always shows that i receive the grand and with no luck always putting eye on the card if it’s in .

  8. Experience from people i know:

    If it has been approved but there is no pay date then expect to get the cash when ever that will happen;
    As for those those that got pay days but dint get paid i recommend that you inquire;
    lastly if its pending (as hard as it is) wait…

    Keep well.

  9. I’m approved paydate 2 in August and approved September but never got paid and y bank accounts was also approved so what’s going on??????🤔

  10. I didn’t receive R350 for August and September but of them says approved. What’s happening,is what going to happen again October?

  11. Waiting for payment dates August 2021 and September 2021. My application is approved and my bank is Capitec. Application id:123861 id no:0202236075083

  12. SASSA isa bunch of idiots if i can speak freely. How is it that last year i was declined and the reason was i applied for a irp5 and now its alternative source of income. How is it that they can access ones bank account to see how much is coming in and out of out accounts but cant take the time out to have the uif and labour departments send them everyones employment no one is allowed to help the unemployed when srd wasnt available and we should just starve until government decides to give this change which is still being given so unfairly people who are not entitled to it receive it and those ones that desperately need it doesnt that is just sick and even when we have appealed we are still declined…Sassa please dont even waste time to decline on the system and give us hope just remove me personally from the system infact i really dont want to have false hope every month and then be shattered by you greedy trash.

  13. I got payed in August but September it says approved but no payday and no sms from my bank what happening

  14. Application was approved 27 Aug 2021, received sms to say my Capitec bank was updated and verified, up to date i have received no payment, Aug reads Approved and September reads Approved, not one payment received into my account, now October reads Pending..cant get through on any of the numbers or whatapp,. sent email no repl. I.D.7204220144084 Application I.D.:895156

  15. I changed my my payment to my bank account and i haven’t received any payment for september they sent me a message that appoves but still no payment whats going on all the others i live with have been paid

  16. In August I was approved and in September I was also approved but with no payment date and now in October it pending
    I haven’t received any payment since August
    I don’t know what happening

  17. I changed my payment to my bank account and i haven’t receive any payment. both August and September approved and October is Pending.

  18. September and October says aproved with payment date but i didn’t receive an sms says i must collect thet money

  19. September and October are approved but no pay day and also Nov is approved but has a paydate what’s going on with Sassa kanti

  20. I have not received my SMS from capitec, but all the months from August, September, October and November are approved with dates. Could someone explain to me about the delay? My ID 6705305568089, its always frustrating to sleep without food on the table expecting money which will never show. Kindly address my concern SASSA officials.

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