SASSA Reconsideration Status Check For SRD R350 Grant Application

SASSA Reconsideration Status Check For SRD R350 Grant Application July 2024


  • SASSA reconsideration system is an automatic way for those applicants who have been declined for the SRD R350 to appeal for 2023.
  • In the previous SRD R350 grants application, declined applicants had to send appeal application to an email address [email protected], but looking at the tedious work for checking thousands of emails individually.
  • SASSA then added a reconsideration module to its online registration platform where applicants can appeal without sending any email.
  • Some of the reasons where applicants can appeal using the website are : uif registered, alternative income source Identified, nsfas registered, debtor, receiving other grants etc.
  • Note must be taken that when the reason for the decline is ‘identity verification failed’ which literally means the submitted names of the applicant is incorrect one way or the other, you cannot use the reconsideration module to request appeal.
  • There is a place on the website where those with identity issues can update their Surname and Full name online.

Requesting Reconsideration for decline applicants for SRD R350 Grant

If you are declined for SASSA SRD R350, we assume that you are declined for instance “alternative income source Identified”, which basically is the reason for the decline.

We are going to take you through the steps to apply for reconsideration.

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How to Check SASSA SRD Reconsideration Status 2023

Below are the steps to take to appeal or submit reconsideration application.

  • Go to the site (got those before April 2022) but for those starting from April 2022 should rather use this link It takes you straight to the reconsideration page.
  • Here you are to provide ID number and the phone number used to submit the application.
  • There is button labeled ‘send pin’ click on it,
  • You will receive an SMS notification containing a pin code enter the exact code received into field provided and submit.
  • Now, choose the month you wish to apply for reconsideration, which obviously will be January 2023.
  • In the drop down menu, you see current status which is clearly declined. Then reason for the decline, which in our case is alternative income source Identified, but other reasons may be declined as well. Your reason for decline will be shown at this section too.
  • The last stage is to choose the reason for the reconsideration, which must match with the reason for the decline. For instance, if an applicant is declined for “UIF registered” he cannot choose ‘no income source’ as the reason for reconsideration but should rather choose ‘no uif registered’.
  • So depending on the reason for the decline, that will determine the reason for the reconsideration.
  • The reason for reconsideration are preloaded into the system already, so the applicant does not need to enter anything again.
  • Then submit the application. Your status will now be pending as SASSA will have to once again review the application.
  • Sources unconfirmed indicates that it can take two weeks for the reconsideration application to be considered.
  • You need to be patient as SASSA looks at your reconsideration.

Leave your comments or feedback below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


  1. Gooday i dont get any money from uif.i resign and for 3 years at no income .please i also need the money.

      1. I applied for R350 grant then I was declined saying “Alternative income source identified”, then I send my recommendation on August but still its still saying Pending for August, September and October so I thought it takes two weeks to answer Recommendations or Appeal, what I am suppose to do now because as I am not earning any income

          1. Lemese Williams very disapointed was decline two mouths now I’m not happy about the massage talking about a income source pls help me im unemployed

          2. I applied 2021 been decline August Sept Oct November been approved onli for Decem January..I’m unemployed id number 8811225344086..

        1. Srd declined. No income. Appeal but still pending from April 2022. I really need this money because I am single parent who is unemployed since 2020

      2. Good day dear madam sir i am veru disipointed on the way Sassa treating me.Im a unemployed south african did make a aplication for unemployment grant in the month of May 2020 in the month of April 2021 i was approved nd yet waitting for Sassa to reconsider my aplication kindly can you pls assist me regarding the matter you concerderation will be highly appreciated my id no is as follows…7009175263080

    1. My uif was payment was 2020 ocktober and it was a onepayment theres no other uif money that i must get 2021 march april and may i did aprove my srd sassa so why do i decline uif i dont work dont have any income so why do i decline august 2021 september and pending ocktober

    2. I also applied for reconsideration for the months of Aug, Sept, Oct and Nov 2021. I understand that appeal process takes atleast two weeks. This is now six months and my status is still pending. Kindly assist.

    3. I’ve been getting SRD grant last year August to October 2021 and from November to date it says source of income detected which is not true I’ve been not working since 2018 July to date still unemployed. I did apply for reconcideration it’s status says pending and for November and December I can’t appeal cut off date so I don’t know what to do anymore someone is blocking my way to get what is due to me your help will be highly appreciated thank you.

    4. My name is Sakhumzi Malusi I’d no7404275243084
      I do not understand the pending of my application since August last year up until now, really need the money since I have been unemployed for more than eight years.Please help

    5. Unemployed since 2015 Jan till today please reconsider my application from 2021 , I have no other source of income

    6. I have been applying since 2021decline uif I apply again I only approved march.I reaply again pedendin april and May.june decline.source of income.I’m unemployed

  2. I applied for the grant and it declined saying im getting uif of which not true, i did reconsideration so hw do i check if it went through????im stressing bacause i need the money.

      1. I have applied for the srd grant in 2020 July and was declined, I appealed and was approved, I got all the payments, when it was opened again I applied and declined with the status “debtor” . I appealed because I have no other source of income, I’m unemployed since 2015 up till date, I have applied again now in April 2022 I hope to be considered. I’m a South African citizen , last date of employment 2014 Dec. I have been incarceration since 2015 Feb till 2020 July, not employed since then up till now.

      1. I wanna no about my srd reconsideration of last year cause I don’t no where to check it

    1. From August my srd grant says declain for uif register but I’m not working I’m stay at home from March I risgned but I’m not gone get my uif


    1. i did apply for srd R350 grant but was declined because of alternative income identified sourse
      which i dont understand because i dont have any income except my childrens child support grant.otherwise i dont receive any other income.i did appeal but with no luck coz that is pending i can’t cope i realy need this grant please help.

        1. I have no income not working but Sassa stopped my 350 for uif for a company i worked for a day i really don’t understand y Sassa should be stopping the 350 payments without doing the background check wit us coz the company’s they use our names without us even knowing that it’s sad not to receive that 350 ND that so called uif that u don’t know nothing about

        1. Since I apply August 2021 but nothing still saying decline and I don’t receive any uif ….I have never worked in my life please help!!!!

      1. I applied in August and was told im getting UIF of which i was not I’ve been checking ever since but nothing still….

      2. I applied 2021 been decline August Sept Oct November been approved onli for Decem January..I’m unemployed id number 8811225344086..m

    2. I applied using my mom’s phone. She received a declined message indicating I have receivedoney from other source. The only little money is from my mother who is a pensioner too.
      So iam appealing please I don’t work and don’t have any source of income. My mother is struggling. Iam appealing before 25th October as instructed

      1. Hi am not working and i received uif money two years back now srd I declining and i did reconsideration am waiting for feedback

      2. I worked for only 3months last year but now I’m no longer working but still I fail to register for R350 grant.pleas help

        1. Are these comments being read? If so I’ve never been employed to save my life so my status was UIF REGISTERED ever since….I went to the Labour and found out that my ID no was being used by some (he) who works for a company that is in Durban please help me

      3. I applied and it declined said I’m nsfas registered while I completed my studies on june 2021

  3. I did apply for srd sassa r350 is decline reason gov payroll registered and I’m not getting any income except my child support grant and I also apply for reconsideration outcome still pending, please help because I also need that 350 as unemployment.

  4. I did apply for the the 350 but was declined saying I’m uif registered and I stopped working since last year June.

    1. I applied for a SRD R350 grand and declined saying i am getting uif and i am no longer get it, my application was approved and i received decline message after some few days and now i am receiving any income and can you help me to get R350 grant please.

  5. I stopped working in 2016 and the company closed and they ran off,when I went to Uif offices they couldn’t help me now since 4months sassa they refused to pay claiming Iam uif registered I have never received any money from Uif, ,I am diabetic you can check with Hilbrow Clinic

      1. Why do the reconsideration part dont show anymore on the sassa page if been trying a wile know to do my other mounths if been declined but there is no option to do the reconsideration.

    1. Please help please. I applied on August and I got a message saying decline reason being I’m getting income which it’s not true at all and I applied again for reconsideration and it still says pending till today and now we are on November. What must I do the only money I got it was for my maternity leave 2011 and I never got back to work after maternity, so I’ve been not working for 9 years can you imagine the pain of not working for all these years and being told that you have a source of income from where exactly and I went to labour and they told me that I only got R600 and something for maternity leave and that was it in 2011. So please what must I do now to prove I’m not working at all please help I need this R350 it will make a difference in my life . So please help and tell me what to do.

    2. I applied for R350 since September it declined reason alternative income source but I’m not working and there no income it only child grant for one child, and the big problem is that on December it has been approved and a got it,no have a hope that January will be approved to but no it declined the same reason again, so my Question why December was being approved if sassa identified income???

  6. I stopped working last year i was dismissed,now my status says I am declined because ı have other sauce of income of which ı dont have ı am still unemployed since my dismissed last year,same results ı received last year ı was declined for all the months with the same out Come,
    Please consider my request for the SRD R350

  7. Why does sassa decline our application saying there is an income source identified while there is not! Can’t sassa visit us at our homes to trully verify their facts? We are suffering too being kicked away for no reasonable reason. Please put yourselves in our shoes and feel this pain you’re causing us, more especially that we are unemployable due to our age, please Sassa.

  8. My srd grant was declined due to other income received i was employed for four months it was a temporal post currently I am not working I’m only receiving child support grant for my kids

  9. My srd grant was declined due to other income received i was employed for four months it was a temporal post currently I am not working I’m only receiving child support grant for my kids

  10. I received an SMS saying my application was declined because I am receiving UIF which is something i don’t even know and I never received anything,what can I do now please help

  11. I haven’t been able to receive my grant due to the system stating that I have another stream of income. I have been trying to contact you for the last several days to let you know that this is false. I have been unemployed for the last year and have not received any form of income, both privately and from the government.
    Kindly reconsider my application. Regards.

  12. I was a temp at department of education only for December to invigilate the matrics now I’ve been declined due to working for goverment and it was only for a month of December 2020 now I’m not working anymore please help!

  13. My application was rejected saying I qualify for uif,since 2016 July I have being at home doing I went to labour hoping to get help but there said I must go to sassa they will help me there,and they also gave me a wapside to put my complaint but still it’s so difficult is not helping at all.please help me I need the money.

      1. I applied and got declined because i was nsfas registered .and then I submitted the reconsideration and its still says pending .

  14. My application was declined last year due to a R0-00 IRP5 issued as a commission earning only agent. This year due to covid im still not earning anything and again the IRP5 is again R0.00 . sadly i quess only certain reconsider applicants get assisted. im 56 not earning anything and care for 3 young grandchildren. Only their mother works. i have tried to email my decline appeal but the email to [email protected] comes back undeliverable

      1. Hi. Can you tell me how long it takes for the reconsideration outcome? As I appealed nearly a month ago and it’s still pending? I appealed for the month of August aswell as September… No outcome….? How long does it take?

    1. Hi. Got the same problem appealed from August now three months down the line still waiting, I’ve been sending emails but to no avail wonder if their system is outdated or something. Need to speed things up.

  15. I did apply on the 21august and it says approved but no paydate and when I check my balance still no money even now I approved for September nd still no money so what must I do

  16. I applied in August and I was declined it says (uif registered) and I applied for reconsideration in September and I was declined again please assist.

  17. That’s what we all get I don’t know why they saying its unemployed grant coz they fail to investigate all the facts.

  18. Good morning ihave apply since September till now,I have been giving different options plus otp an not happy,name Bonginkosi Vincent Ndlovu

  19. I applied in August and I was declined it say UIF registered Nd I applied for reconsideration in September Nd I was declined again I don’t know why because there is no UIF registered

    1. Ay this is so depressing I was also declined they said source of income bt m unemployed it’s been 3years with no job😭

    1. I applied in June and I was approved but never got any money since August till now . When I checked my status it was saying I’m getting other source of income which I don’t understand cause I’m not working . What the government is doing it’s not okay cause people are getting that Money even though they working but us nothing. What’s why I didn’t even bother myself to vote you guys failed us and I’m no longer fighting this with Sassa it’s fine you can keep the money. God will provide for and family.

  20. I have no income so i think that it is assumed that because i live with my parents nd that my dad has a job that he supports me but the truth is i collect scrap to support myself nd its hard. I find it unfair coz i no of people that dont need the grant coz they work privately but yet they get the grant aswell so how is it possible

    1. I do an application on August but was declined reaso Altarnative source income since August until now and i do reconsidaretion was pending

      I dnt have income without of child support grant with two childrens

  21. Hi. I’m personally starting to think that this way of reconsideration is not working. Is there any other way we can appeal. I was declined because they said that I am registered for uif. I applied for reconsideration for August and September and my status still says pending. I borrow money hoping that I will pay it back once I receive the R350. It has been way more than the two weeks time period stipulated by this article to be reconsidered. Please assist in a different method or maybe a way to communicate with them to find out about the process.

  22. I applied for a SRD R350 grand and declined saying i am getting uif and i am no longer get it, my application was approved and i received decline message after some few days and now i am receiving any income and can you help me to get R350 grant please.

  23. I applied for the SRD on August but it was declined it says Alternative income identified and I don’t get any source of income please I also need this money because I’m not working please help me to get this R350

      1. Hello I also apply for the sassa relief funds, but come back saying I am having a source of income since August, asked them to reconsider me. But still pending.

      2. My name is Sakhumzi Malusi I’d no7404275243084, from August last year it says Pending up until now, very frustrated because I am very nemployed for 6 years do not know what to do

        Please help

  24. I am 56 yes old , unemployed, single parent woman . The only income I have is my child maintenance . Me myself I have no income nothing that I put on the table on my name .Please I am begging for R350 to better my life and to gain my dignity and self confidence back . I want to start a small business to survive seeing maintenance is not enough.

  25. I applied for R350 grant then I was declined saying “Alternative income source identified”, then I send my recommendation on August but still its still saying Pending for August, September and October so I thought it takes two weeks to answer Recommendations or Appeal, what I am suppose to do now because as I am not earning any income

  26. My application was declined then I send Recommendations on August for August even for September i ddn the same even October but it still saying Pending, I thought it takes two weeks to be resolved and I don’t receive any income as my status wa saying “Alternative income source identified”…. So what to do because its been a while now and I need this money.

  27. my application failed due to identity verification. please assist I don’t know what might be the problem

  28. My application failed while am not getting any source of income our government is failing us cause they are saying is false information what they know is to steal money and keep on rejecting us am not happy at all and I don’t think any one from any organisation will come to house and Converse

  29. My application got declined and said that I have a alternative income so I went and did the reconsideration part and stil it pending since August that I applied for the R350 and every month after that I had to do the reconsideration part… I don’t work and have no alternative income where can I get help with this


    l Ntombizanele Palma Nameka residing at no. 6805 Sweetwaters King Williams town Eastern Cape, l want to do an appeal on my declined application which status result said i have an alternate source of income identified where as l have only fostercare grant for two children for my late sister. I am struggling with my two children because l am not working, the fostercare grant for my late sister’s children it is enough for their needs which includes clothing groceries, toiletries and school needs. I need this srd grant because am struggling with poverty.

    I would be glad if you can consider this matter very urgent.

  31. I did apply in august even now and am not getting any income,i am not working,so my srd grant has been declined due to uif that i dont know about

  32. I received R350 unemployment grant for 2 mouth but now decline reason it say alternative income source identified but Im not receiving any monthly income it only these money I’m a serving with it sameone help please

  33. My brother applied for the R350 sed grant since the beginning when it was first announced, to this day he has not received any grant.

    The reason for decline state that there is an alternative source of income which is not true, my brother has been without a job for 3 years now.

    Please assist!

  34. I also applied on August but my payment isn’t yet been say it is declined due to incorrect name…….

  35. Good day, My SRG application has been declined for ‘alternative income source identified’ but I do not have any other income except for my child sassa grant… Please help because I’ve applied for reconsideration since August and it’s still pending up until now and every month still pending… Why does it take so long.Some people get approved within 2weeks but others have to wait 5-6months?

  36. Uif registered but I dont qualify to withdraw uif til 2023. I HAVE NO OTHER INCOME. Been declined since AUG up till nw. Applied for reconsidering for each month, status says VERIFICATION RECTIFIED “PENDING”

  37. This is poor service , the government is unprofessional and corrupt . I’M also in the same situation like you . They must give our money it’s. not our fault or negligence.

  38. Dear SASSA

    Please assist. I have no source of income. The R350 is my hope. I exhausted UIF in 2013.


    ID NUMBER: 7208310517083

  39. Hi, I’m not working At first I was declined for Alternative income source yet am not working then January and February are declined for UIF registered please do something I’m in need of this money

  40. i applied for the s.s.a grant 3 years ago when all this corona virus started but to my suprise had always been declined and the last time i worked was in 2019, i went to the labour department to check if my uif was available for me to collect was told its already expired and was refered back to sassa or get another job then get fired or something il then get il get but past 3 months iv been aproved by sassa but still no pay date what can i do wiyh this issue?

  41. My UIF ended in June 2021. I applied numerous times and still saying uif registered and pending. I also submitted for evry month proof that im not receiving uif…I still get a response every month saying pending. I have no other source of income and got two kids still schooling.. What more must i do

  42. I applied for srd grant but it declined then I did the appeal since December till now is still pending and I don’t have any income please help me with this situation,it declined because of uif and I’m not getting any thing from the uif.

  43. Hi would like to appeal but lost my phone now i cant appeal cause i dont have the number i used to apply….what can i do?

  44. I also applied for reconsideration for the months of Aug, Sept, Oct and Nov 2021. I understand that appeal process takes atleast two weeks. This is now six months and my status is still pending. Kindly assist.

  45. This is seriously not wise from your IT side if you talk about alternative income please be specific so that we can also take an action for those who claiming they give something to us while we get nothing .because we need names of that organization that is giving an alternative

  46. Applied November 2021, my last uif payment was in September 2021. Application declined _ uif registered. Went to the dept. of Labour to ask if they can remove my name from their system since Sassa picks it up as being Uif registered. Dept. Labour they don’t give you any document to submit to Sassa. Applied for reconsideration my status is pending for Nov,Dec,Jan,Feb and March. I keep on checking almost every week. Its a cold system, there’s not much you can do except to sit and wait. Very frustrating, is there no way they could have a number you can call for reconsideration updates.

  47. I was getting uif but is finished nd my application is declined is been 3 months now..I did reapplied for March and April stil please help

  48. I assisted several people t o apply from my phone, now I cannitcgeck my son’s reconsidered App because I’ve used my number more than 5 times. Skipping a month’s appeal he will lose his money. Then they keep declining with status of DEBTOR. He does not owe any money yet they still decline with the same status every month.

  49. If you have more than 5 applications on your number you cannot check the reconsidered App status.
    What must we do?

  50. I did apply for SRD 350 last year August and I’m not working.
    But my application is declined
    What can I do

  51. I have applied for reconsideration from August 2021 and still no result. I am not even able to go online to check my appeal status. When I call if I get through I get told please be patient how much more patient can a person be is 11months not patient enough. Most times they say the number does not exist.

    1. Appeal application is currently being worked on, just try to call them again for your status… Payments are currently ongoing

  52. I applied it says alternative source of income while I do not receive any source of income what do I do next

  53. I was getting 350 last year n I’m not working but know my 350 is saying declined And why please help me my iD 9505050399087 my name Ntombizodwa Moagi

  54. I don’t have altrenative source income but i declined i dont know why but im surely they fix the mistake of decline because i qualify to get SDR GRANT as i dont have income i receive eveymonth in my acconut

  55. This is bullshet because i have no bank account in my name bt I have been decline 3 I you guys tall us to appeal bt your close the platform for us check the appeal that we do so SASSA I the nerst of corration🖐️

  56. The money the say I have income source on,was the money I received for selling my mom’s fridge and kitchen unit,so that i pay for my grand aunt hospital bill, she did not even make it,she died 15 may 2022,then i received R3700, from the community society that i joined,the money was used to travel to Limpopo for the burial,then i have to organise for my late brother’s car to be towed here in Joburg since these no one left home, now I’m in need of money even struggling for the past two months

  57. I have been applying since 2021decline uif I apply again I only approved march.I reaply again pedendin april and May.june decline.source of income.I’m unemployed

  58. I have been applying since 2021 and declined because of source of income that I don’t have it I only got approved December, January, February and march only please help me to get the rest of the money I need it now June declined

  59. I have appealed last year and I would like to know if you have reconcidered my application want knw the result pls

  60. My name is CHESTER I was received this srd money since the started but now I was declined due to the self exclusionary found nd am not what would I do

  61. Sassa declined me for July 2022 due to source of income which I am matriculant and I don’t even have an active bank account,I depended on srd but now m very disappointed 😒

  62. Since I apply in 2020 June to March 2021it keeps telling me decline and the status was that uif,irp5 but u asking yourself that this grant it was for the distress nothing else and still my last work was on 2019 August I tried for reconsider it keeps saying applications cut of date, and you can remember that the time when we where applying we where just using sms not new app that has come they never send me a single message on that time to tell me I was approved or decline so y they cut us people who have apply and am not working at all

  63. This srd relief grant is taking to long to be processed whats going on we people can’t be robed of there cash unemployment rate is to high there is no jobs we want our cash

  64. Sassa found an excuse to decline me stating alternative income source identityfied but I’m unemployed not getting uif or provident fund if families and friends don’t send us cash we will starve and die in this country

  65. Hi my application for sassa it’s decline due to income source
    identification which I don’t even know what they are talking about I’m unemployed pls help to review my application I’m really struggling help

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