Appeal Applicants Should Exercise Patience – SASSA to Reconsideration Applicants for SRD R350 Grant

SASSA has asked all those applicants who have been declined hut have, however, applied for reconsideration or appeal to exercise patience as they are reviewing their applications.

According to SASSA, they have to manually work hand in hand with the banks yo make sure that applicants do not regularly receive any cash or have any other source of income.

Because as part of the application qualification, applicants should not have any other source of income and thus why they’re liaising with the banks to recheck.

According to a report published by SASSA on their Facebook page on 30th September 2021, SASSA acknowledged that about two thirds of the reconsideration applications received so far have been worked on and the rest should be patient as they are currently working on that one too.

Additionally, it was indicated that a sum total of 14 million applications were received but 8.3 millions so far approved. But out of the number approved, 5.6 million applicants have so far been paid as at September 2021 representing about 67% payment rate.

Find below the actual section of the post SASSA discussed about the appeal or the reconsideration applications :

Over two thirds of appeals lodged have been finalised. As part of the process, SASSA sends these cases to the banking sector for validation which may take time in some cases. The main purpose is to double-check if they do not receive an income because part of the COVID-19 SRD criteria is that applicants should be unemployed and without any income. “SASSA requests applicants who have not yet received their appeals’ feedback to be patient as everything humanly possible is done to finalise the process”: concluded Memela

SASSA update on reconsideration or appeals

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  1. I dont get R350 because of UIF it decline and i apply for UIF but my UIF also decline i never received any money of my UIF so why can i not get R350 grand

  2. Your comment here…I declined uif why and it was only a one payment October 2020 and I did aply August 2021 and im stil decline but ived did reconsider on all the months from august 2021 till now february 2022 and I call for sassa everyday and they just say im still pendind my appeal so then wil I get a paydate for my appeals

  3. I don’t get anything I try to apply 350 grant dicline because of uif of 9 month please help us.

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