SASSA Status Check online application status


Do you want to know SASSA Status Check online application status for August 2021 SRD R350?

When it comes to checking your application status online, the best way is to use the official website of the SRD R350 grants.

But you can also use WhatsApp, GovChat or Moya app to check SRD R350 status with much ease.

Problems Associated with SRD R350 status check

Update to this story : SASSA has reactivated the application status, so you can easily check status within troubled.

According to SASSA, they have received several reports from applicants difficulties in accessing the status check module online. It is clear that module is not activated and SASSA says they are doing everything possible within their domain to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

So if you are unable to check status or even if you are able to check status but you can only see the previous SRD R350 months, don’t worry.

It is a clear problem are facing by many applicants across all platforms. In anyway, sassa said they have not approved any applications yet and that Approvals and payment will start Monday 23rd August 2021.

Payments Dates 2021 August

Approvals and Payments Dates August 2021

As indicated, some applicants status will start changing from Monday from om the current pending status to either approved or declined depending on your submitted information and current employment status.

Each applicant must make sure that he or she meet the requirements of qualifications.

Caregivers who are not employed are this time given the opportunity to also apply for the grant. They are the new addition to the previous SRD R350 applications.

Such caregivers might already be receiving Child support Grants or grant in aids, or care Dependency grants. But if and only they are unemployed, then there can apply and considered for the grant.

To Check SRD R350 Grant Application Status Online Click Here


  1. I applied for grant got the message saying that my application is approved but when I check my status say my phone number is not registered

  2. I apply for srd grant. It says active. And I change to bank account. It says succesfull. So how will I know when the 350 will be in. And they didn’ t give me 1 month. So when will I get it also.

  3. Hi I would like to change my srd 350 grant bank details but I am unable to do so on the sassa website is there anyway you couls assist me a.s.a.p. than you

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