How To Appeal Self Exclusionary Response Found Decline Status

How To Appeal Self Exclusionary Response Found Decline Status

What At all is “Self Exclusionary Response Found”?

One phrase that became so confusing during the third week of January 2023 was “Self Exclusionary Response Found” as a reason for the decline of SASSA SRD R350 in 2023

They wondered what SASSA meant by this although it was later revealed that as the applicant had chosen an answer to a question makes the applicant admit that he or she receives some kind of financial support from elsewhere.

During the reapplication period, a lot if questionnaires were asked where applicants had to choose, but it looks as if most of them did not know the implications of their choices.

Already SASSA has explained what “Self Exclusionary Response Found” mean which you cam check in the link below.

SASSA Explains Self Exclusionary Response Found Decline Status

How then do you Appeal Self Exclusionary Response Found Decline Status

For now the only way to appeal is use the new appeal website launched by SASSA and DSD for declined applicants to lodge complaints.

But before you go ahead to appeal, the main reason for the decline is a question that the applicant has admitted to be true that he or she is receiving some form of sustenance from families or friends or living in government buildings.

So there is a need to change that answer to the question, so that the application can be given a fresh start of consideration for approval.

During the SASSA press conference that was streamed live on their official Facebook page, they indicated that such applicants should be able to provide correct answers to those questions.

They made it clear that, in the coming days, they will make provisions for that so that affected applicants will have the chance to choose the correct answers.

As we wait for that to happen, we can go ahead to appeal if we strongly believe that, the decision to decline application is null, void and unfounded.

Self Exclusionary Response Found Appeal

  1. Go to the site
  2. Enter your ID number and the phone number used to apply and click on the “Send Pin”
  3. Immediately a unique code will be sent to the phone number
  4. Enter the pin code as received in the SMS
  6. Select the month you want to appeal eg June 2022
  7. Select the Appeal reason : thus base on what are you appealing after that, click on the submit to complete the appeal process.
  8. It has to be noted that, the appeal reason must match the decline reason. Example if you are declined because of alternative Income Source, then select No Alternative Income Source as appeal reason


For a successful appeal, you have to appeal within thirty (30 days) from the date of the decline.

Appeals outcome can take up to 90 days (approximately three months)

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  1. SASSA SRD R350 the June payment is declined stating that i have an income but there’s nothing that i earn currently . April and May is still pending. Can you please clarify for.

  2. I was declined and pending for all these months. Oktober 2021. May 2022. August 2021. July 2020. February 2021. August 2020. September 2020. Oktober 2020. December 2020. November 2020. January 2021. March 2021. April 2021. September 2021 and October 2021. This is unfair because i wrote my surname vanstaden and not van staden. I didn’t get my back pay all the people get back pay but not me that’s very unfair.

  3. the appeal reason must match the decline reason but on the website there’s no matching decline reason of this self exclusionary found, if we can be advised how to appeal it cos it seams sassa is just vake on what they created and have vake reason to defent themself on this error…

  4. 2021 August to date I never got a cent I wonder what I’ve done to South Africa should I get rich one I’m living this country too,I can’t believe how sassa gets away with such incompetence and ignore calls and emails, telling you there’s no time frame for considering us in now 12 months on something agent 😎it’s unbelievable

  5. Grant declined say there is an alternative income and there outstanding payments since last year i am an unemployed parent

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