Why July and August 2022 Still Pending for SRD R350 Grant? July 2024

Here are the reasons why July and August 2022 SRD R350 are still pending and not approved yet:

  • The gazetting of the new laws regarding the SASSA SRD R350.
  • As a result of the gazetted, the new threshold for SASSA SRD R350 qualification is R624 from the earlier R350
  • Applicants do not need to reconfirm their applications after every three payments.
  • SASSA is trying to clear the backlog of the outstanding grants from April 2022.
  • Clearing out of backlog from the previous year SRD R350 grants reconsideration payments from August 2021 to March 2022.
  • Now applicants who were denied or declined in June 2022 due to Self Exclusionary Response Found have been approved and others are given pay dates starting from 22nd August 2022
  • Bank Verification continues to be a headache for many applicants who are approved a long time without pay dates, meanwhile, some are approved and bank account details verified but still, no payment dates are issued.
  • As it stands, no July or August 2022 applications have been processed not even to talk about payments.
  • Since we are in the last week of the month of August, July payments are likely to commence by the second week of September 2022.
  • The first week of every month is used for payments of the SASSA regular grants such as Old Age Pension Grant, Disability grant etc.

SASSA seems to be under pressure to make payments, because the whole of the month of August, no new payments are made leaving behind two months in arrears.


      1. That’s bullshit, Sassa must pay you and everyone else. Period, whatever they smoking is too much for their brains. We are not working idiots. We demand what’s rightfully ours

    1. I received srd in 2022 after a while it stopped then I started collecting again in 2022 now it stopped again for all the times I did not collect my status said I’m getting an income from another source WHY

  1. Bcz for now I’m not working I only rely on that earlier can make a difference,the money that I get is for my children

      1. I don’t get an income and I’m not working as yet please I really need to know when the money will be comeing thtough

    1. I don’t understand why r350 for July and August still pending because am am still un-employed it’s been pending for so long

    1. This is insane July, August and September are still pending. This is so unfair as we rely on this little R350 and now we must wait months before we get it. It’s really making our lives worse

  2. Every time i tried to apply for this grant the system is not processing my application. I want to know what should i do now. i am old and unemployed.

  3. I’m not working but I get a decline on my 350 grant.. And it says source of income identified.. Why?

  4. Please check our appeal since it says the is sorce of income it’s not true, cause this money help us as we are not fit to work because of my age.

  5. When we gonna get responses since we appeal beacuse we are depending to this grand, some of us we did fix bank details. April 2022 to July 2022 is being declined 😭😭😭😭😭😭

    1. I have been declined from the being reasons Im receiving UIF ,then next application I have alternative funds that I receive. And I not been working for 3year shame on you minister

  6. I am not working,I’ve been receiving the R350 SRD from 2021 but on 2022 I only received R350 for May and June, April is declined claiming I have an alternative every month🤔while I’m not

    July,August still pending

  7. Approved for 3months still no pay dates and banking details still not verified.. still pending….

  8. I’ve been receiving 350 SRD whole year last year but this year it’s says decline I’ve UIF that I don’t even know

  9. I have been trying to apply for srd grant but it’s keep on declining while I’m not receiving any income.

    1. Why my May R350 has been declined it shows I have an income and I don’t evens have an income and I do t work ????

  10. Thank you Social Grant’s department. I have received three payouts and as stated above July and August still outstanding. I also know of people who only received one payment. Can these also be on a checklist for the outstanding payments.

  11. My application was declined since August 2021to April 2022.only may2022 and June 2022 which was approved.

    1. I don get any income but my R350 decline from April may June other still pending this money help me with my family this money is too small but still help use since lost my job last year February

  12. I have been declined for srd R350 and I don’t work at all it says i’ve alternative income identified but I only get child grant for my daughter and she is attending creche which means, I have to pay for it every month

    1. Good day. In regards to my Sassa ID 602080 My reconsideration from August to November 2021 had been declined saying alternative income source found. I last worked in 2018 and haven’t found a job since then and I did not collect any income from any other source apart from the sassa 350 grants that I qualified for. When I contact them they say I’m owing them money but they not sure why and how. No one seems to want to help me resolve this issue because that money was owed to me from August till November 2021 which I was incorrectly declined there fore I had reconsidered those months and a month back they declined my reconsideration for those months without any proof and validations as to why they had declined me again because I know I met all the qualifying criteria for this Grant which is unfair to decline me without any valid reasoning. Please relook my application and redo your checks again with my bank statements to see that I did qualify for those months but was unfairly declined for my reconsideration for August to November 2021.

      1. This is ridiculous man. The ppl depend on this grant and due to corruption the ppl of this country must suffer while they live lavish lifestyles. This is disgusting do ur jobs and stop stealing.

    2. April declined, it says alternative source of income found whereas am not working since 2018 October.
      Is it a crime if i ask for R100, to buy meal mealie and then person i asked from deposit it to my bank account? Because ir seems you saw such money deposited in my account.

      I did appealed for April but still nothing happened, it still says declined as before.
      Reason Alternative source of income found which is not true.

  13. Good day. I have since applied in May and my status shows that June and July are pending. Should I re-apply or wait for the status to be updated?
    Thanking you in advance.

      1. You know why it Mr ramaphosa and Ms lindiwe Zulu i think is something wrong they know exactly what happened cause July are taking a whole month I see it because they want to put that 2 month August and July to make that R624 many people are not have decline and no income found so why those people are pending

  14. I do not have any source of income. My daughter to that money in my account when i opened the account and i had to take a funeral policy so there needs to be at least R53. 00 in my account every month.

  15. Can you please extend our payments to R900 cause you are so much taking to long , with this now and we need to buy food our fridges are empty now , I really don’t know why this came in the place so Ramaphosa sicela I R900 straight up

  16. Afternoon. April is approved bt I don’t have any date it’s been a long now since it ‘s approved. May,June is declining and July is pending

  17. Hello I’m Vivian Maphango from Krugersdorp I’m a single parent, Im not working at all I’m living by asking people good everyday pls this sassa it keep saying declined course of one child grand n the is so many people tht this 350 bt thy HV so many kids why me pls help

  18. Since this srd started I was always decline and I’m not working since 2018 this years at least I get from August to December what surprise me is when someone send money in my account so that I can send to someone I get declined for that and even so is not more than 500 why I need to know even they send for me do u think I van survive with 500 the whole month please people just think carefully about this matter please

  19. My name is Nombulelo Cecilia Tivane, my May and June, approved but still not paid, I’m dying of hunger please help

  20. Sassa ID 602080. Please help fix my reconsideration for August to November 2021 which was unfairly declined by sassa as I did meet all the qualifying criteria and had not been working since 2018 and did not collect any source of income apart from the sassa 350 grants yet you guys had unfairly declined me saying alternative income source found and when I call to querry they say I owe money but don’t know why and how I owe and for what reasons when i know for a fact whatever sassa paid me in the past was approved as I met the requirements for all the months that was paid to me and now after almost a year of waiting for my reconsideration for August to November 2021 you guys declined my reconsideration unfairly and I feel robbed of what supposed to be owed to me. Please relook my application and redo your checks with my bank statements and what data base you guys are using and my bank statements will prove that I qualified for the grant and haven’t received any other income last year apart from Sassa reconsideration for the first cycle which was approved and also paid after a year of waiting. Please fix this as no one seems to want to help me get this sorted out as I was unfairly declined without any proof as to why because I know that money was owed to me for those months of August to November 2021…please help and sort this issue out. Thanks

    1. Me too I have exactly the same problem you have, I don’t know whom to report to or Wher to get my help, I tried to go sassa n Labour but hmmm no luck they keep on laying stories.

  21. I have requested surname but it’s always state that it’s invalid from April,May and June declined due to identity verification I did appeal still pending

  22. It seems as their making things more difficult, why don’t they enquire with labour department because we are not working, still job hunting without any luck… Some months are being approved, my April it’s approved with no paydate, June i made an appeal due to self excultion but i got paid… The pending its frustrating, May says i have source of income…

    1. I have been declined since 2020 for alternative source income, come on guys you can’t decline us for depositing R100 into our account.

  23. I have been Declined Since June and April and My May it’s say approved but no dates I Have been doing appeal but still even my appeal is pending what must I do

  24. It hurt really cz jobs are scares nowadays I HV been declined n I don’t HV any income I rely on that 350 really its not fair

    1. I’m also experiencing the same thing since june i never got the 350 it approved and i have the dates but when i went to collect it they said it declined i even called Sassa several times they told me to change my banking details and i did that but still didn’t get it

  25. Why sassa not have messy to us,don’t thinking about us.We are suffering, we don’t hv an income please solve this issue of srd…please

    Why must suffer because of decline others
    or increasing income?

  26. Not enough employers working at SASSA while enough Citizens are Jobless, SASSA needs to find an urgent solution to the problem or do a serious system check up to resolve this SRD 350 problem, why if this 350 grant increased to 624 it still pay out only 350? We are grateful for what our Government are doing for us who struggle to get a job but if so that they do care about us start showing this because the complaints are endless while we go hungry SASSA takes their own time resolving this, If this months are going to keep on being behind schedule what will happen when the SRD stop in March 23? Still going to be behind! There are people that goes hungry and children so please start getting this process done now!

  27. Why my May R350 has been declined it shows I have an income and I don’t evens have an income and I do t work ????

    1. June Declined because they say alternative income. July and August Pending I don’t receive any income and I am not working

  28. Mine keep saying there is an uif that need to be claimed of which I don’t know about,So please Sassa try to rectify this I really need the money I tried to rectify it on my own but I keep failing

  29. Most of us must go to Dr. Bathabile Dlamini to apologize and ask for her forgiveness.

    She knew better how woefully SASSA would be found wanting by terminating contract with Cash Paymaster Services.

    NGOs and opposition parties crucified her maliciously.

    They have now changed tack and tune.

    Look, now how Ambassador Lindiwe Zulu department is battling to dispense #SRDs.

    We ate our cake. It’s time to live in a real world where political correctness avails futility

  30. Pathetic excuses by the minister related as to why the srd grant was not paid it shows incompetence you are not serious about the matter

  31. I’m a grandma of 1 child she get 480 but they decline me they say source of income but I dont work I’m 50 years were will I work I only received that 480 sassa please help me get the 350 grant please it’s all that I received I must still see the child must go to school with the same 480 please please help me

  32. I am beginning to think that this whole thing is a scam. We all have the same problem here. My August 2021 to November 2021 are declined. December 2021 to March 2022 approved with no pay dates. April and May 2022 are pending, June declined due source of income, July and August 2022 are still pending. All in all, I’ve never received this R350
    You’re always busy checking/verifying that’s all you do Monday to Friday, every month since we started applying.

    Aiiiiii guys don’t you think that you’re being unfair????? We’re desperate maan

  33. Thank you God so much for putting all ideas in president mind about this 350 grants , they are others who don’t receive it. I’m so grateful and I am praying for those who don’t receive it . I ask all this in Jesus mighty name amen

  34. July and August still pending people are receiving their grant left and right but I don’t receive any why please don’t do that to us we need this money we’re not working


  36. I don’t understand why r350 for July and August still pending because am am still un-employed it’s been pending for so long

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