Breaking News: July 2022 SRD R350 Approvals Started! July 2024

News currently coming in from some applicants of the SASSA SRD R350 grant indicates that July 2022 approvals have started.

It looks as if it is being done in batches as most of the applicants are still pending when the checked their status.

Those who have not checked their status yet can now go ahead and their status and verify fir themselves the authenticity of the story going round on social media.

SASSA has earlier acknowledged that there was a delay of the July and August 2022 payments due to the gazetted information if the SRD R350 giving way for many applicants to be qualified.

Two major changes are that :

  • New threshold of R624 instead of the previous R350. This is the maximum amount one should earn before such ones can be considered for the approval. Thus if anyone earns or receive monthly more than R624, then such a person does not qualify.
  • The second is that, now applicants do not have reconfirm their applications after every three payments.

It is noted that the new gazetted information takes effect from August 2022,therefore all those who were declined prior to the gazetted information are not affected by this new criteria.

But in all of these, those who have been declined have the opportunity to appeal using the website address

For a copy of the statement released by SASSA over the week is available in the below Facebook post.


    1. Me i don’t understand what is going on here i pproved n i have pay day when i go to shoprite they says am not registered i go to postoffice they send me to shoprite again so i don’t know

  1. Me i don’t understand what is going on here i pproved n i have pay day when i go to shoprite they says am not registered i go to postoffice they send me to shoprite again so i don’t know

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