UIF Registered ~ SASSA SRD R350 Grant Status Declined, What Can You Do?

UIF Registered ~ SASSA SRD R350 Grant Status Declined, What Can You Do? July 2024

SASSA SRD R350 applicants woke up to the news that they have been declined and what was the reason? UIF Registered for 2023.

Among the criteria SASSA is using to approve applicants is the fact that the applicant must not be receiving uif funds nor qualify for UIF.

What that means is that even if you are currently not receiving uif, but you’re registered with UIF, you are not eligible for the SRD R350 Grant.

Thousands of applicants were declined on the basis that they are uif registered.

What is UIF REGISTERED? July 2024

Unemployment Insurance Fund also known as UIF is a form of insurance policy for some employees who meet their qualifications. It is a short term financial assistance to employees who have lost their jobs or become unemployed or unable to work due to for example illness, maternity or adoption leave. Dependants of a contributed worker who have passed away can also claim UIF.

They are paid in various forms or categories namely : Unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, maternity benefits, adoption benefits and death benefits.

But those who have been declined for UIF registered are also claiming they have not worked before and are unemployed.

So the question is how come such applicants have their names in the UIF registered database for which these applicants are not aware of.

Could it be that certain companies they may have worked for years back or part time have registered them under UIF without their knowledge?

To find out more about your status in the UIF, you can contact UIF on 0800030007 to check if indeed you are due for UIF unemployment benefits or which company registered you.

If am declined for UIF registered, what can I do?

Every applicant who feels aggrieved that he or she is unduly declined for the SRD R350 Grant can request for reconsideration or appeal that

To do that follow these steps to apply for reconsideration or appeal decision.

Reconsideration for UIF registered decline status
  • Go to the website https://srd.sassa.gov.za
  • Scroll down to the section for reconsideration and click on the button.
  • A new page asking for the applicant’s ID number and the phone number used to apply.
  • After entering the ID number and the phone that were used during application, click on send PIN.
  • You will receive a Pin and enter the pin in the field provided.
  • Select the month that you want to appeal, in this case January 2023.
  • Decline will appear with reason, select the reason that applies to you directly for instance “uif registered” or “alternative income source Identified” etc.
  • Next to the reason for the decline, there is a drop down list such as “Not uif registered” or “No alternative source of income” depending on which one corresponds to your reason for decline.
  • So if your reason for the decline is “uif registered” then choose “Not uif registered” however, if your reason for the decline is “alternative source of income identified” then choose “no alternative source of income”
  • After that submit your appeal or reconsideration application.

SASSA is required to review their decision to decline the application and reconsider it for the and if after after thorough investigation it may be approved or declined again.


Recently, UIF has asked declined applicants to rather appeal the decision rather than visiting their offices for redress.


  1. I have not applied UIF yet i should have applied it last year because my job was done unfortunately i didn’t apply it because of this Pandemic and since last year not working until now and i have applied for R350 and i was declined because of this UIF thing please I’m unemployed and i have got many challenges to face now but because of not working it’s hard for me i would like you to reconsider my application and at least approve me as others so i can get R350 then i will be better unlike now because I’m suffering I’m looking forward to hear from you soon

    Thank you

  2. they said i am registered for uif where as i am not i tried to reapply and now its been pending for a long time . i reapplied in august and since its still pending so i really dont know what to do because i realy need the money i am not working

  3. I haven’t been working for over a year now I was retrenched due to covid but when I apply for R350 they say I’m uif registered of which I’m not receiving anything from labor please help times are tough

  4. I was retrenched and claimed my uif it’s finished on April, but when trying to apply for SRD it’s declining due to uif registered reason, when visiting Dept of Labour thy refused to help, my question is that after doing reconsideration I’m I going to get all money for previous months?

  5. I lost my money 2020 December January February and April cause of uif registered and their solution takes to long. 2021 im still waiting it says uif registered and am trying to solve it but it padding till today their system is bad

  6. Hi l’m Mandla Simon Tshabalala, I’m not receive money from UIF from November 2020 until now I’m stressed because I lost my money because of UIF they I’m registered for UIF but I’m not receive any money I’m hungry

  7. This 0800601011 is not working,why do you still give people who need help about the issues concerning SRD R350 to call this line knowing very well that is not working.

  8. I not working and I don’t have any source of income my last paid of uif .date last its was 07/03/2022

  9. Since 2021 ive never been imployed and evrytime i try to apply for 350 social destresse grant it keeps declining me because of uif and i m un employed at this moment please help me to reapply

  10. My name is ntobikayise Majukumba am not working i declined for uif registered but lim not workwhat can do

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