This might be the reason why most applicants are approved without pay dates July 2024

After the first batch of payments for the SRD R350 Grant 2023, a sizable number of the applicants are approved but for almost 3 weeks now, they don’t have pay dates not to even talk about payments.

These applicants are wondering what might be the main hindrance to the payment dates as their colleague applicants have long been paid.

But in the meantime we thought this was normal for SASSA to delay pay dates for obvious reasons such as bank account verification which we have discussed extensively here.

But after further research and scrutinizing the sequence of data so far gathered, there seems to be a major concern.

In the first week of September 2022 precisely, the citizen, an online News portal carried a story that states that SASSA halted payments because some payments are made to the wrong people.

According to the report over 30 thousand benefitted improperly forcing SASSA to suspend payments.

SASSA said in a statement that, they are going to tighten their verification process to make sure applicants are scrutinized enough before payments are made.

In view of the above, it is therefore not surprising that a good number of applicants who are approved long time are still not paid.

SASSA does not want to lose more money to people who do not “deserve” this grant.

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The article can be found in the link below…

According to SASSA thousands of applicants received the August 2021 payments because of error…
Expect more decline and stuff in September 2021.


In a Facebook poll where applicants were asked to indicate what payment option they chose resulting in the delay of the SRD R350 Payment dates, it was realized that a larger percentage of the affected applicants are those using bank accounts followed by Cash Send and then Post office.

Thus a clear indication that something fishy was detected by SASSA after approval and was later declined or referred.

As has been part of the verification process, bank accounts submitted by applicants must be verified to make sure recipients are the same as the applicant.

SASSA also checks the bank account balance and the cash flows in the account over a period of time, in case they find some cash or see regular deposits, the applicant is likely to be declined with the reason “alternative income source Identified”.

Thus why often advise applicants who are using a bank account to receive an SRD grant to make sure that their bank account is empty and no cash flows for the past few months?

Make sure your bank account information is verified from the SASSA SRD R350 grant website

Going forward all those issues are now resolved and payments are smoothly ongoing.


  1. Small amounts of monies going through accounts can be or are from forms and relatives helping where they can. The system should check certain amounts…say above R2000…and how many deposits of big payments before declining…how else will monies be exchanged if someone is sending you cash for food or transport etc….smaller dep can be approved…in my opinion

  2. My son lost his job and cant even claim uif benefits,his application is declined and we do a reconsideration. Its a couple of months ago he lost his job. So what must we do while people are approved and have incomes also

  3. My status says Approved without payday and am not working and I don’t have child, I want to know when am i going to get the money for August and September

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