Breaking News : SASSA has started Giving Pay Dates To Applicants Approved Long Time Without Pay dates

Have you checked your status today? If yes, when you checked did you see any changes on your Status regarding pay dates?

Reports reaching us indicates that, applicants who have been approved fir more than three weeks without pay dates are now having pay dates.

Some of these affected applicants we have contacted has proofs that the news is true and factual.

Most of these applicants had no idea why the delay in getting pay dates after several days of approval.

Most of these applicants were receiving cash through their personal bank accounts and few from Cash Send or Ewallet account and post office.

Recently, it was revealed that the amount that was earmarked for SRD R350 Grant was yet to be approved by Parliament and that was the possible reason for the undue delay of payments.

When the first batch of payments were made since 25th August 2021, we thought payments will continue smoothly but that hit a snag and frustration set in.

Now it is official and clear that, SASSA ran out of funds and payment is likely to be continued next week as we have already received signals.

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  1. Hi father of my child apply for the R350 and then it approve he didnt get nothing when i check the status it says Declined the reason Uif Register and he was a Tax driver did the tax company deduct the UIF his name Mncedisi Lengisi.What must he do

  2. Hi I’ve apply for the 350 earli January and I was approved with no pay date and also this month iam having the same problem so what can I do should I go to post office following my last 3 digits of ID or should I contact sassa and ask what’s going on

  3. Hi I’ve apply for the 350 earli January and I was approved with no pay date and also this month iam having the same problem so what can I do should I go to post office following my last 3 digits of ID or should I contact sassa and ask what’s going on

  4. I have called toll free number but still no pay dates and I have applied last year in October and I need the money what is the use of the srd grant if you don’t get it I must eat how can I without pay dates

  5. I have called toll free number but still no pay dates and I have applied last year in October and I need the money what is the use of the srd grant if you don’t get it I must eat how can I without pay dates pls what can I do I’m desperate really need the money pls help me

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