SASSA SRD Status Check Online

SASSA SRD Status Check Online – Introduction

Have you recently applied for SRD R350 Grant and wants SRD status check online?

If you are one of those applicants who have been approved or pending, you csn easily check your SRD status online in three ways.

Some application platform will require a reference number whilst others does not 😀😀, depending on which platform the applicant used to apply.

Three Ways to check srd status online

The first platform for checking SRD R350 status check is the WhatsApp. Although the WhatsApp platform does not give much details of the applicant’s status, it only shows whether the applicant is approved, pending or declined. It does not even show the reason for the decline if any or pay dates when approved.

So this platform is not the best way to check status if the applicant wants much details of his application.

Checking SRD R350 status Using WhatsApp

Emphasis has to be made that before an applicant can use this platform to check status, the applicant must have applied using either WhatsApp itself or GovChat platform.

The reason is that these two places have something in common and they work together.

A reference code is always generated at the end of the application which the applicant will later use to check status.

You must therefore have the reference code handy because that would be required to check, if you misplaced this code then you will have to consider the third option using the official website of the ongoing reinstated SRD R350 Grant.

  • Save the application WhatsApp number on the smartphone you intend to use to check status.
  • WhatsApp number : 0820468553
  • Open WhatsApp app on the smartphone.
  • Send a message like ‘hi’ to the number. All the responses that will be received are all automated, no human being is managing the WhatsApp.
  • So choose the pre-programmed sequence of responses and when asked about the reference code, just respond with the code generated at the end of your applications (when earlier submitting the application).

SRD Status Check Online with GovChat Website

Govchat is a government owned platform offering variety of e-services to the public and was added as a support registration portal for the SASSA SRD R350 grant application when the number of applications surged.

The main SRD R350 website became very slow due to the high number of people using their platform at the same time.

As stated earlier, this GovChat works hand in hand with the WhatsApp discussed above and can be used interchangeably.

To check srd status online using GovChat follow these simple steps

  • Visit the website
  • Enter the phone number used to apply and click on the sign in.
  • Click on the SASSA services and a drop down menu list will appear,
  • Select SASSA SRD and select check status.
  • A dialog box will appear asking for the reference code (generated during the application)
  • After entering the reference code, click on the submit button.
  • Your current status will be shown for approval, decline or pending.

SASSA SRD Website – Check SRD Status Online

This website is the official website of the SRD grant application and checking status also offers more details on the applicant’s status than the rest discussed above.

Unlike the previous platforms, this one offers for instance the reason for the decline, approved with or without pay dates, when payment was issued etc.

  • Let us visit this website right away
  • Enter your ID number and the phone number used to submit the application.
  • Click on the submit button and wait for the page to load fully.
  • Choose the month you want to check your status and click on the small arrow to right side of the month.
  • A drop down list will appear with all the current details of that month’s application.

Using Moya App to check SRD status online for free

Moya App is a data free online services which offers users the ability to access certain selected sites at absolutely no charge.

Among the services they offer is the SRD R350 Grant Application website, which is just a copycat of the main website.

So the applicant can access SRD official website through Moya just like any other internet browser does but with no data charges.

Moya App can be downloaded from the Playstore or copied from friends through app sharing softwares. But always make sure you have the updated version of the app.

  • Launch the app and look for SASSA SRD services.
  • But make sure your internet is on although it will not charge you
  • Scroll down to the section asking you to check application status.
  • Click on the button and then enter your ID number and the phone number used to apply and click on submit button.
  • Your status will load and just as discussed, all the details about that particular month will show up.

In some cases, applicants might have challenges checking their grants status online, when that happens please you are advised to contact sassa on 0800601011 toll free number to check status for you.

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