SASSA Likely To Start Approvals on Monday. Good News?

Millions of SASSA SRD R350 Unemployment grant applicants are just curious about the the payment process of the grant.

Most of them even wish to see their status showing approved or decline but whenever they check they see failed.

But sources close to SASSA (although unconfirmed) says approvals are likely to start on Monday 23rd August 2021.

SASSA through the Minister of Department of Social Development Lindiwe Zulu indicated that first batch of payments for the ongoing SRD R350 grants will commence by the last week of August 2021.

Although SASSA has kept mute without any public announcement whether that statement still stands or there is adjustment, but we cannot say for certain.

But we are sure that SASSA is working underground around the clock to speed up the verification process so that those who qualify for the grants are paid promptly.

It is per this view, sassa encouraged applicants to submit their bank account details upfront such that when approval comes, applicant is paid directly.

SASSA has been observing conversation ongoing in the public domain and are aware of the situations underground.

But one thing is clear, if they fail to issue payments as promised, then payments especially post office payments can only start by the second week of September 2021. The reason being that first week of every month is going to be used for the payment of regular SASSA grants such as : Old Age Pension Grant, Child Support Grant, disability grant etc.

We are trying to get into contact with SASSA to confirm their earlier payment dates or if there is any adjustments.

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How to check SASSA SRD R350 grant status?

Currently payments are ongoing and those who are approved will be paid accordingly but those declined can appeal within 30 days from the date of the decline.

To check status follow this link


    1. Iyikho lento ka sassa baysidakelwa lezinja thina silala singadlile bona baphila kahle nemindeni yabo.approved but no payday the money is not yours its ours.akekho muntu ongaholi for two months even a thug must do something within 2 months.

  1. Why they take so long with reconsideration, I only received 2 months money for Nov and Dec 2020, since August 2021 reconsideration still pending.

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