How to Send a Please Call me on MTN In South Africa

Allowing a lack of airtime to stop you from communicating with your loved ones is not an option anymore. You might not have enough airtime to even send a quick message when you need help to get the recipient to call you right away. Don’t give up hope; learn how to send a Please Call Me on MTN for free below in a few minutes.

How to Send a Please Call me on MTN

Dial *121* receiver’s cell phone number#. For instance, *121*083 124 3488# and press send. Every day, a subscriber can only send up to 5 free callback requests to other MTN subscribers in South Africa and internationally.

To Personalize a Please Call me on MTN

  • Dial *121#, then choose option 1 (your name), then the first option (enter or change name), which will prompt you to enter or alter your name. When you’re finished, click OK.
  • The rationalization option is only available once each day. As a result, double-check your spelling because you can only modify your name the next day.
  • Furthermore, while updating your name with this function, you can use up to 10 characters; however, no spacing is allowed; instead, a comma, full stop, or dash can be used to divide your name.

Now that you know how to send a please call me on MTN, you don’t have to flash or beg for airtime anymore. Share this good news with your family and friends.

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