Why SASSA SRD R350 April 2022 Still Pending – SASSA

One thing is clear as far as this SRD R350 grant is concerned. Applicants have been pending ever since for April 2022 and here we are entering the second week of May, but still when applicants check their status for April, all they see is “Pending”.

Some users on Twitter who happens to be applicants have enquired from SASSA through their Twitter account, why the delay in working on the April 2022 module.

There seems to be only one chorus answer for all e and below is the quote we have gathered so far from SASSA’s response to those aggrieved applicants :

“There is no fixed payment date for the special COVID-19 SRD grant. Every month your application will be checked to verify if you still qualify for the grant. You will be paid each month, provided you still qualify for that month.”

The actual Tweet is found below :

SASSA Response

Another user also asked another question and here is the response from SASSA…

Applicants will therefore have to exercise patience as SASSA keep working on the April 2022 and they hope the May may soon follows through.

The main issue maybe that because of the new additional requirements, the level of scrutiny before approval may be vigorous and requires time.

Looking at some questions for which those who submitted the reapplication, we suspect that the decline rate will be more higher than the previous SRD R350.

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  1. Good day
    Good people is this website of lodging appeal working? I have been trying to lodge my 350 appeal,that website it’s responding by showing an icon.

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