status check balance July 2024

Introduction: status check is the official website of the ongoing reinstated SRD R350 Grant Application platform.

The website has many functionalities which includes the ability to apply, check status or balance either approved or declined or pending.

One thing that has been a major problem this time around is the fact that using the website to check status is currently put off and those who knows the link url to check get a failed message when checking status.

Please in case you want to know, track or check sassa srd R350 status, there are basic things you need to do. status check challenges and failed message

But before, we go to the checking of status using the website, SASSA being aware of the current challenges facing, has asked potential applicants to rather contact SASSA directly on the toll-free number 0800601011 to check their status online.

So if you are facing any challenge accessing your SRD R350 grants application status on the website, don’t panic or think that your application was rejected, but rather call SASSA to check for you.

That been said, sassa promise to reactivate the checking status module this week so that users can have the ability to check their own status.

Checking Status Using

The steps given below are straightforward and anyone can follow.

  • Go the site website and scroll down to the part of the page where you can check application status.
  • You can also directly go straight the url address to check status here.
  • When check the application module is fully loaded, you will be presented with a page asking for the 13-digits ID number and the cell phone number that was used during application.
  • However, if you see status check label being grey in color, it means the check status is still not activated.
  • After entering all the requirements, click on the submit button.
  • It will take you to a different page showing you including the current month, all the status. If you are approved, the payment date will be shown.
  • If declined, reason why they declined the application will be stated, so that you can appeal for reconsideration if need be.
  • If your status is pending, it indicates that, your application is yet to be vetted to find out if you qualify.

Post Office Payments Dates for September 2021

We are closely monitoring events and testing the platform, whenever we see any updates, we will be updating our cherished website readers and visitors.

Update : Now you can check your status using the website. Both the website and the GovChat platforms are currently working


  1. What if I am declined but can not do an appeal by reconsideration because the function not available yet, so by that means we could’ve done appeal asap but now we have to wait.

    1. Denise, contact sassa on 0800601011 toll free number to check status for you. If you are declined you have 30 days to appeal from the day of decline

      1. I don’t know my dates but I’m approved and no sms I received ever since can I go and receive my payments?plz help

  2. Hi. My application is approved and was told which post office to go to. I got there and they scanned my ID, only to say im not on the system please help

    1. Please check paydate for August.It’s still approved.I have received September payout today,13 October,but still nothing for August

  3. My application is approved for August-have not received any monies as yet in my bank account? Will I still recieve for August or do
    I only recieve in September? Tried your call center 0800601011 ?? as soon as I choose option one-the cuts the call??Is there any other number to reach you??
    Thnk you

  4. Since i applied on the 13 August was approved now has changed to uif registered
    Since 2012 not working
    I would like to know what is the problem.

  5. Why is sassa declining me every time but I’m not working because my brother is putting a150 or 200 in my account for me to live there are people that is working that still gets the money what is a 150 to a weekly wages this is so disgusting of sassa

    1. I have a problem my application declined because of UIF appearing but I was acasual for one month and y contruct was terminated. Help me pls

  6. My grant was approved from August till November and it’s has to go through my bank ,,,but I haven’t received any notification for money,,since I applied I’m using capitec

  7. Only approved…but no payday from September till December. Tried calling the call center but no one answers. They say you can send them an email.
    What do I do?

  8. Hello ma’am or sir please can you help me for R350 I’m trying to apply since August 2021 approved after approve decline. I’m not working, I’m not receiving UIF I’m 4years sitting in the house not getting job please can you help me.

  9. some of my statuses still pending some diclined same id num why since this srd started iv been paid 4 times only and if they aprove my some of my old reconsiderations what about the ones they diclined coz of their system that not upto standard

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