SASSA SRD R350 status pending

SASSA SRD R350 status pending July 2024

When SASSA status is pending then here is the meaning or the reasons and how to check. Pending in 2023 means that your application is currently going through validations process.

  • Application submitted successfully
  • It goes through a series of systems and processes
  • ID number and Surname and Full name checked for accurate matching
  • Surname and other names correctly spelt
  • Other government agencies such as SARS, UIF, NSFAS, etc are also checked to make sure that applicants not receiving any financial aid or other benefits from government.
  • Bank account is also checked vy requesting bank statements
  • Bank account also verified yi make sure that the applicant is the real owner of the bank account.
  • Throughout all these procedures and processes, the application will be pending.
  • Pending means that the application us still under review or consideration.
  • After these processes, if SASSA is satisfied with the outcome and realized the applicant meets the requirements, he or she is approved and payment made either through Merchant or Bank Account if verified.
  • Pending does not mean decline, it is just that you have a chance to be approved or be declined.
  • Pending can be frustrating when it keeps longer that expected, ideally pending should not be much.
  • Pending can be for appeals or reconsideration or normal SRD R350 application.
  • April and May 2022 are still pending and no payments yet.
  • Even January 2023, some applicants are still pending.
  • According to SASSA, pending applicants should not be worried as they are processing millions of applications.
  • Some who were pending are now approved and payment made.
SASSA status pending or approved

In the next articles, we will look at how sassa is gonna consider those applicants and if approved payments followed.

To check whether pending status has changed or not, just head over to the official SRD R350 application website

SASSA Status Pending

Pending is the first part of the application process after which the outcome of the process is either declined or approved etc.

When declined, the applicant still has the chance to appeal within 90 days using the website


  1. I have not yet received my 350 payments for January, February, March, April and May. May anyone help me with this?

  2. I did get my consideration sassa this month of June 2022 but to my suprise still waiting for April and May , June. So when I check my status for all three months it says pending for April and May but June declined I don’t know why could you please check it ?

  3. I also had samething, I was declined due to source of income, to hell with ANC. I will never vote again. Everything is expensive petrol food electricity water rates etc. Roads are full of potholes the whole country. Unemployment is getting worse. President Ramaphosa promise to do better than Jacob Zuma but instead things are getting worse. One thing that makes me angry ANC put age restriction when looking for a job up 35 years how about 36 to 59 years where are we goner get food from because they don’t care about us. Hei South African life is very tough sodlana sodwa bona bedla kahle sihlupheka. I was working for longtime and I got sick I was unfit for work but when I applied for my UIF it was declined they said I resign xem kunzima eSouth Africa koze kube nini siphila lempilo enzima kanje?

  4. May and April says pending but June is decline and why?because i don’t understand two months says pending and only June month says decline please help me understand I’m not working not receiving money from any of you mentioned like uif or sars or anywhere so pls us guys we really need the money

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