SASSA SRD R350 Reconsideration Or Appeal Payments Starts

SASSA has this morning confirmed in a Facebook post that all those who submitted their reconsideration applications or appeals as far back last year will have their payments by the end of this month June 2022.

In the statement, it was indicated that all those appeals applications approved will be paid.

Post from SASSA on Facebook

SASSA SRD R350 appeals or reconsideration has been in a hang for almost a year now, where applicants who have been declined for whatever reason were asked to submit their appeals.

Beneficiaries whose reconsideration applications outcome were successful will be paid accordingly. Reconsiderations from August 2021 are expected to be processed by end of June 2022 and payments will then happen thereafter.

SASSA Statement on Facebook Regarding Reconsideration

According to SASSA, the applicant has up to 30 days from the date of the decline otherwise, they forfeit their grants and can only submit appeal once for each months. What that means is that when you appeal for a particular month, and declined you cannot submit appeal again for that same month.

But in recent times, the appeal module which applicants could check their reconsideration status is no more available on the website

The reason for the disappearance is giving on the link below

Why Reconsideration Module No Longer Available On The SRD R350 Grant Application Website

This is a developing story and we hope to update our cherished readers….


  1. My uif ended last year November but on December I was diclined dure to uif on January 2022i got diclined income source of what what still February got diclined again also in march got diclined same reason .I did appeal so lAst week I only got two payments will wait for for these last two months

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