1. I have been getting R350 payment all along, all of a sudden I was declined reason being ” uif registered” yet I have never worked for the past 4 years. I appealed and was declined again. I don’t know what to do next

    1. I have been getting R350 payment all along, all of a sudden I was declined reason being ” uif registered” yet I have never worked for the past 4 years. I appealed and was declined again. I don’t know what to do next

  1. I was approved in August and is still waiting for a paydate. I used the option to be paid in my bank account. It was paid in August but September no paydate. I tried to email my query but got no response. What can I do as this is my only income.

  2. I have been declined with reason ‘alternative income’, whereas I haven’t been working since June. I’ve sent the appeal almost 2 months ago and no response till now. Kindly advise

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