Govchat Status Check For SRD R350 Grant

For those who applied for the SASSA SRD R350 grant using the GovChat website or the WhatsApp can use the GovChat to also check their status and know if they are approved or declined.

The GovChat website and the WhatsApp are closely related even when you apply through WhatsApp you will end up finishing the application on the GovChat.

Below yiu will find the procedures to check your SASSA SRD R350 grant status.

As said earlier, this method is only for those who used WhatsApp or GovChat to apply.

  • Go to the website:
  • Enter the phone number used to apply and click on the login.
  • If you see the dialog box asking you to prove you are not a robot, just check it and move on.
  • After you are logged in, Look for SASSA Services .
  • Click on the drop down menu list such as Apply for Grant, Check if you qualify for Grant, Check Grant Status. (See the pictures below for reference)
  • When check status is clicked, a dialog box will appear asking you to enter the reference number on the forms. Note that this reference number was given during application.
  • Enter the reference number and click on the submit button.
  • Your status for the months will show up showing whether approved or declined and if declined the exact reason for the decline.
  • Your reference code should be kept in mind as that will always be used to check status and even update or change payment options.
Govchat Status Check For SRD R350 Grant
Govchat Status Check For SRD R350 Grant

Read Also : How To Apply for the SASSA SRD R350 grant using GovChat platform

Update : in case you see old or previous months, don’t worry about it, as SASSA is still uploading and working on status of the SRD grant.


  1. I have struggled for 2 weeks now, thought o got everything updated now when i check my status is says form incomplete skipped a personal detail. But everything is completely filled in. Don’t know what else to do please assist me in getting the my srd grant application correct

  2. Since i applied but still the application kept on saying pending , its 2 months now u guys shud have put that money together with da money for our kids bcoz look at how we r suffering to get this money

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