What To do when SRD R350 Grant Application is declined 2023


For many applicants who have applied for the SASSA SRD R350 grant, what they are currently facing is a mass decline in 2023.

A decline many have expressed that, it might be a system error or possibly a mistake from SASSA.

Meanwhile, it is very difficult to contact sassa on 0800601011 toll free number to see why such decline outcome.

All that they have been told is to apply for a reconsideration within 30 days from the date of the decline. As to what they are going to do differently nobody knows.

For instance, an applicant who was declined for UIF registered or nsfas registered, how will Sassa this time know if there is a change of the applicant’s status.

Reconsideration for decline applicants

SRD R350 Grant Application Reconsideration Decline

For now we have discovered that these decline status can be reconsidered or updated.

For those who have these declined reasons can apply for reconsideration or appeal example : uif registered, debtor, alternative income source Identified, nsfas registered etc.

But those who are declined with the reason: “identity verification failed” can simply update their names and ID.

If you are among those that that have to use the reconsideration module, please click on this link https://srd.sassa.gov.za/sc19/reconsideration

Fill in the spaces provided such as ID number and the cell number used to apply and click on the “send pin” button.

A code will be sent to the number provided enter to the pin space created and submit.

First, select the month you want to appeal in this case August 2022 , if you choose any other month, you will be told “appeal date expired”. Don’t choose August 2021.

Below the reason for decline, there is another space labeled as “reason for reconsideration” choose from the list that matches your reason for decline.

For instance, if you were declined for “Alternative Income Source Identified” then choose “no alternative income source” or “uif registered” choose “not uif registered”. Don’t choose anything other than the correct opposite to the reason for the decline.

Identity verification failed – Update

For those who are declined for identity verification failed, will simply have to update their Full name and Surname as well as ID number.

Look at the image below, when you visit the website https://srd.sassa.gov.za scroll down to the section where asking you (Request Names and Surname Update) update personal information and fill in the field provided, make sure the names are in correct order as they are on the ID documents or smart ID card.

Request Names and Surname Update for SRD R350 Grant decline

After correct entries, click on the submit button and thus all. The system will do a rerun and when it is certified, you will be updated accordingly.


    1. I hereby declare that the information contained in the document is not the case of the uif 19 i canceled to show i am unemployed

  1. i did apply for 350 grant for my 19 years daughter last year but she did ‘nt get it says decline because of UIF, but she did’nt work anywhere it was her first year last year and there was not even NSFAS that she was getting. I do that Reconsideration when I check status it was pending when I check again it says decline because of UIF. What can I do?

  2. I never receive SRD always Declined an I am unemployed, I have made an Appeal all of the months pending please help

  3. grant successfully approved since august 2021 now suddenly been pending since re-application in april 2022.. identity verification failed.. omgosh.. wt.. details 100% correct as per previously but no.. now i am suddely who i normally am and or who i say i am.. no really

  4. My grant was declined I think it’s because of the money that my yanger brother send to me for meterial of the house that he build at home and assisting me to pay my tpolicy only I don’t have nathing

  5. I hv being trying to update my identity because I hv being declined for 8 months due to my identity verification n I hv tried to upload it bt it says service unavailable plz help

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