What Does SASSA SRD status check failed mean?

What Does SASSA SRD status check failed mean? July 2024

If you check your SASSA SRD R350 status and it fails it means the following according SASSA official in 2023 :

  • The submitted personal information given to SASSA does not match with the one in the Database of the Home Affairs Department.
  • The mobile phone number that was used to apply mismatch with the one you currently trying to use to check your status.
  • This could be as a result of someone else may have changed your phone number or you yourself has changed.
  • There could be internet connection or access challenges, where your current internet connection is not able to access the SRD website server.
  • You can use a different web browser or different phone altogether to to try accessing the platform.
  • At times it could be a server error from the website. In such cases you only have to wait for some few hours and try again.
  • Furthermore, you can use WhatsApp to access the status of your application using the number 0820468553.
  • If all the above formats fails, then please contact SASSA on 0800601011 toll free number to check your status for you.
  • Let them know the challenge you are facing checking your status.
  • Make it clear to them that whenever you try to check your status, you receive a failed message and that you have tried all available avenues but still no avail.
  • SASSA has cautioned applicants not to give out their applications details to anyone to check his or her status.
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