What Do You Need For SASSA Application July 2024


This question is a very crucial aspect whenever anyone intends to apply for SASSA grants. For those who want to know what is needed for SASSA application for the various categories of grants.

The answer helps one to have clarity on the things needed the most before making an attempt to apply for grants.

It must however be noted that various grants have their distinct needs and requirements for one to qualify for that category of grant.

Below is a list of all the basic things needed for all the various grants and later we look at the specific requirements depending on the grants the applicants want to apply.

Older Persons Grant/ Pension Documents Needed

1. Your national identification document, if it is not available, an affidavit will be filled by the applicant.
2. Spousal relationships proof and any of the following can be used for this purpose : Divorce order, affidavit or a sworn statement, marriage certificate, if spouse is deceased: spouse’s death certificate.
3. Proof of income from both the applicant and his or her spouse or partner.
4. Documents to prove income and assets, but if married, that of your spouse
5. Proof of income of dependent children.

What you need for SASSA Child Support Grant Application :

Read Also: SASSA Online Application for Child Support, Old Age etc

In this section, the applicant is referred to as the mother although the main beneficiary is the child. The following are true things or documents needed when applying for Child Support Grant (CSG)
1. Identification Documents for the applicant and the Birth Certificate of the Child.
2. In the absence of a valid ID, any of the following can be submitted: A sworn statement from a reputable person who knows the child, proof of application of ID at the Home Affairs Department, temporary ID issued by the Home Affairs Department, Baptismal Certificate if available, Road to Clinic or school report if available.
3. Maintenance proof for the child if any.
4. Income or earnings proof.
5. Marriage certificate of the applicant, in case of divorce, a court order making the applicant the custodian of the child.
6. Complete the application form in the presence of an SASSA official or SASSA official can complete the form.

What do you need for the SASSA Disability Grant Application?

1. Complete the SASSA Disability Grant Application Form in the SASSA office or in the presence of a SASSA official.
2. Official South Africa ID, however, if the ID is not available, you can do the following: sworn affidavit, a sworn statement signed by a reputable person who can verify name and age, fingerprints at SASSA and finally will be referred to apply for an ID as the application process is ongoing until ID is ready, there application will be suspended.
3. A medical report and functional report assessment of the disability.
4. Proof of marital status if available or applicable.
5. Proof of income or assets.
6. Proof of private pension if any
7. Bank statement for the recent three months.
8. Refugee Status ID if applicable


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