NSFAS Status Check 2021 Login

Nsfas status check 2022 Login

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is bursary award scheme for public tertiary institutions such as university or TVET College education across South Africa.

If you have applied for the NSFAS bursaries program and wants to find out your nsfas status check 2022 login, then follow these easy to follow directions and steps to check or track your application.

Steps :

  • Make sure you have successfully registered with the scheme and have received a confirmation email from NSFAS to indicate successful submission.
  • Click on the mynsfas link found to at the nsfas.org website.
  • You can use either a smartphone or a computer connected to the internet.
  • Enter your username and password used when registering correctly.
  • After that click on the Sign In button to access your dashboard.
  • If you are having difficulty logging in or accessing the website, make sure your login details are accurate and internet reception is good with either 3G or 4G or preferably broadband.
  • If after making sure all these are intact but still not able to login in, you contact nsfas officials for assistance.

NSFAS Status (Tracking) Application Process Explained

When you open your personal nsfas account dashboard, you will see the following status options, below are the explanation what the each status mean.

Application submitted :
This is the indication that your is successfully submitted. This is a form of receipt from nsfas that certify your application submission.

Filtering :
At this stage, the nsfas system will sort out using your ID to see if you are a fresh student or returning student or had taken a qualification already.

After filtering, the system will now check submitted information with other government agencies such as Home Affairs to check if indeed the applicant details match.

At this crucial stage, nsfas will manually cross-check all submitted documents to ascertain the facts and see if indeed the applicant details are accurate and certified.

Funding Eligibility:
As a requirement for one to qualify for the nsfas bursary, the household of the applicant must have a combined annual income not more than R350, 000.00. They cross check from various sources to verify (what is called Meanstest) to make sure applicant falls within the specified threshold.

Awaiting Academic Results or Admission:

As part of the qualifying process, nsfas will fund you if you been given admission or for continuing students if you have your academic results published. At this stage, nsfas request admission status or results of the applicant.
This stage might delay as result of the corresponding delay in getting your academic report from the applicant’s institution. If there is undue delay 😩😩😩, contact your institution for updates.

Awaiting Registration :
After the consideration of the academic reports from the institution, nsfas will once again request further information on the applicant’s course details, for nsfas to know the amount suitable and for funding agreement. Remember every institution has allocated fees for specific programmes.

Here too, there may some delay due to institutions inability to release the data on time.

Signing of Agreement:

At this stage, the applicant has to sign an agreement (contract legally) or some consent forms to indicate the acceptance of the terms given in the bursary program.

Payments :
This is the last stage of the approval process. The successful applicant is paid either through their NSFAS Wallet or through the institution.

This will sometimes depend on the institution or the preference of the applicant.

Click here for further information on nsfas wallet and how to keep it safe.

If you have any questions or need help or have some feedback, please feel free to leave a message in the comments section under this post and the Admin Team will reply as soon as possible.


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