GDE 2023 Online Admission Application for Grade 1 and Grade 8

The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) has served notice of the 2023 Online Admission application for the 2023 academic year. This will help those who are entering Grade One (1) and Grade 8. Every year this batch of grades has to apply for admission by their parents or guardians. The Gauteng Department of Education manages the project. Below, we have outlined the process and other essential things parents and or guardians will have to take note of before, during and after the online admission procedure.

When will 2023 GDE Admissions Start?

The 2023 online GDE admissions will start on Friday, 22nd July 2022 to Friday 19th August 2022. Parents are to start early to avoid any undue pressure as the duration may not be extended. Parents are advised to get all the documents and other relevant information that will be required.

The application will go live at 08:00 am on 22nd July and close on 19th August at 00:00 am

What Steps or Process Will Have To Be Completed

GDE admissions 2023 Online Application

The online admission for 2023 has five major steps that have to be completed in the stipulated time. The admission is not complete if all the five steps are not completed. Unlike the 2022 GDE admissions edition where the application was done in phases, this year’s one will be done in a single phase at once. This was a result of enhanced and further consultation and surveys with parents and other stakeholders.

Below are the steps:

  1. Registration of Parent / Guardian Details
  2. Registration of Home Address Details
  3. Registration of Learner Details
  4. Apply to a minimum of three (3) Schools and a Maximum of Five (5) Schools.
  5. Upload Certified Copies of Required Documents or physically hand them over to the schools that have been chosen when applying.

How To Apply For The 2023 GDE Admissions or Registration

To apply for the admissions, applicants are advised to log on to the website: all the information that is required will be available. Applicants are encouraged to read all instructions carefully.

Documents Needed To Be Uploaded or Submitted 2023 GDE Admissions

MEC of Gauteng

Applicants are required to submit the following documents either online using the system or submitted in-hand to the schools selected only. What that means is that, if you decide to submit the documents in person, the applicant must make the same copies of the documents as the number of schools chosen. For instance, if you choose three schools, make three copies for each school or else if you selected 5 schools, make five copies for each school. Parents will be given up until 26 August, thus 7 days after the close of the admission applications to upload the documents or submit them to the respective school physically

2023 GDE Online Admissions Application Procedure

Applicants must note that the documents must be certified by the appropriate person or authority for the 2023 GDE Admissions Online Application.

  1. Parent / Guardian and Child ID or Passport
  2. Refugee Permit
  3. Asylum Seeker Permit
  4. Permanent Resident Permit
  5. Study Permit
  6. South African Birth Certificate
  7. Proof of Home Address
  8. Proof of Work Address
  9. Latest School Report and Clinic Card / Immunization Report (for Grade 1 only)

Measures Taken To Ensure Smooth Process of The Documents Submitted or Uploaded

  1. A 7-day extension is given for the documents to be uploaded or submitted at the school (up to 26th August 2022)
  2. Failure to submit these relevant documents within the application date will automatically be considered incomplete and will therefore have to wait for the second selection from 1st to 15th December 2022 for schools which are still available.
  3. Schools will receive auto alerts anytime applicants upload new documents within the 7 days additional time for verification. This is to help ensure that uploaded documents are not overlooked or skipped as it happens in the previous years.
  4. The system is designed to help check if applicants uploaded documents are verified by prompting the school with questions. If verified the applicant’s status will change to verified. This will help ensure accountability on the part of the schools. If documents are not uploaded, a notification will be created on the parents’ profile and an SMS sent to the applicant to upload documents.
  5. Due to the above measure in point 4, parents or guardians are advised to have a functional mobile or cellphone to receive such notifications from the system.

Parents and Guardians To Note The following Additional Application Information

  • Languages which are offered at the respective schools will be visible for parents to make an informed decision in terms of :
    • Language of Teaching and Learning,
    • Home Language
    • The additional language offered by each school
  • All schools will be opened throughout the application period for all applicants to choose from unlike when applicants did not have that option in the previous application scheme.
  • To make sure all applicants have completed their admissions applications, SMS notifications will be sent to all applicants found to have not completed their applications to remind them and moreover, such notifications will be created on their online profiles. In view of this, parents are advised to keep their cell phones handy and to regularly check their profile created on the for any new notification and act if necessary
  • SMS notifications will be sent to parents or guardians informing them if their applications were successful or not from 3rd to 31st October 2022.
  • Now Regarding Schools of Specialization:

“It is paramount to note that Schools of Specialisation will admit learners based on an aptitude or talent from 20 May
– 20 June 2022. Admission tests, written assessments, trials and auditions will also be conducted by Schools of
Specialisation for applicants from 20 May26 August 2022. The outcome of these tests and trials will be
communicated to applicants from 20 June 2022 – 9 September 2022. Parents who have applied to Schools of
Specialisation are urged to accompany their children to these tests and trials to complete the process”

gde 2023 admissions online
  • Parents who wish to apply for boarding school in the GAUTENG must do so directly at the school starting from 1st June to 19th August 2022.
  • Placement for admissions for applicants who have successfully submitted or delivered their documents will be prioritized or given the opportunity first.

Criteria Used For Placement into Schools

The placement of candidates will depend on the following criteria for the 2023 GDE Admissions

2023 GDE admissions online Placement Criteria
  • Home Address Within Feeder Zone
  • Siblings
  • Work Address
  • Within 30km Radius
  • Beyond 30km Radius

Decentralized Walk-In Centers For Registration GDE2023 Admissions

Since not everyone may be able to apply on their, GDE has established some Walk-In centres where such people can be assisted to apply during the application period. For further assistance or if you want to know some of the designated centres you can call this number 0800 000 789

Dear parents and guardians, if your child will be seeking space at a school in Gauteng for Grade 1 or 8 in 2023,
make sure you diarise the announced dates as they are very important. Officials incorporated inputs from our
stakeholders on how to improve the system. Indeed, we are hopeful that these implemented enhancements will be
helpful to all applicants. Accordingly, we must reiterate that capacity remains our challenge in Gauteng, and a factor
that applicants must always bear in mind when applying,”

MEC Lesufi

Gauteng Department of Education Schools

The Gauteng Department of Education has a list of schools from which applicants can choose from when applying arranged in various districts. Click on the link below to access the school list

Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) Schools

Video Demonstration

This video is a demonstration of how the application was done last year and may help new applicants as a guide although last year was put into phases but this time it is once and the filling out of the forms is almost the same.

Online Application Guide for 2023 (although 2022 version)

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