Why is September 2022 and October 2022 still pending July 2024

Although many applicants have been approved with pay dates and even received payments for the month of September and October 2022.

Unfortunately, most applicants are are still in dilemma as to whether they are going to be approved and subsequently paid or not.

Some have complained bitterly why SASSA would put them in suspense not knowing their fate and what awaits them as their fellow applicants are happily satisfied with their payments.

These applicants have been pending for September and October 2022 although it seems SASSA has finished mass approvals for the month of October as almost all those who have been approved are are given pay dates.

The information, although unconfirmed, but can be deduced from recent SASSA reply, indicates that such applicants are undergoing further checks. This is because they are suspicious that such applicants may have received cash which is more than R624 maximum threshold.

Such applicants will have to wait a few days as SASSA continues to assess their financial account balances either at the banks or Ewallet which are associated with their ID numbers.

We have encouraged applicants to do everything possible within their means to avoid taking or receiving money from friends or family members that will cumulatively be more than R624 in the previous month.

Keep your bank account empty

SASSA SRD R350 Grant has been extended for one more year till 2024


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