SASSA SRD R350 Payments for August 2021 Postponed.

In one more day, adding salt into the injuries of SRD R350 grants applicants, SASSA has once again postponed the payment schedule.

In a reply to a question by a Twitter user asking why SASSA failed to honor its promise of starting payment on Monday 23rd August 2021, SASSA acknowledged their inability due to what they termed as circumstances beyond their control.

Most applicants are somewhat concerned about the application process and everything about this SRD R350 grants payments.

Payments alert on phone

From inability to check status to nit being able to update one’s personal bank account information.

Now they don’t know what actually is going on and are left in the dark.

Promise upon promise, but still no show have left many applicants disappointed.

But SASSA says payment is scheduled to start on Wednesday 25th August 2021 and those approved will start receiving their cash in their bank account.

Those who uses post office will also receive SMS notification indicating that their accounts are credited for collection.

Once, it is just their usual apologies after several failed promises blaming the numerous number of applications being processed.

It is high time SASSA up their game to meet the current demand of online services.

They need to upgrade their servers with high speed and bandwidth that can accommodate that high number of users accessing the website concurrently.

If indeed SASSA want to move most of its services online as a result of the global pandemic, then they should be able and ready to invest in high end and state of the art equipments and highly qualified and dedicated human resource personnel.

In this modern world of technology, almost every business or public service is moving all or part of its services online and this demands both human and infrastructure capital investments.

Post Office Payments Dates for August 2021 SRD R350 Grant Application


  1. ive made an application on the 6th August 2021. it was sucessfull and ive received an sms back saying im registered. the only thing is how do i know if its approved because i cant access the srd site to check my status. on application i choose bank payment…but in the beginning of the month when the site was working i noticed sassa has put payment options as post office. What now? Its confusing. Ever since Ive tried to change that option through e-mail and the srd but no luck. Status check stays failed. And you cant access the change bank details on the srd site. I which sassa could give us all updates on whats going on as they try fixing the problems. Not knowing is the worst.

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